Easily find issues by searching: #<Issue ID>
Example: #1832
Easily find members by searching in: <username>, <first name> and <last name>.
Example: Search smith, will return results smith and adamsmith
Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
4.7.1: FEATURE: Query Builder: Add Table Dialog popups up when initially opening the Query Builder
FEATURE: Query Builder: Add Table Dialog is now modeless so that the user can add tables and work on the Diagram pane at the same time
FEATURE: Query Analyzer Permissions: (SQL Server & Sybase): Now permissions are not applied to SQL statements on temporary tables and tables in the tempdb
FIX: Query Builder: When a statement is executed, if a cell value in the columns pane was being worked on but not commited then it would not apply to the execution of the query.
FIX: Query Builder: Added tables which had matching tables in other schemas would have the columns added from the other schemas into the graph as well.
FIX: Query Builder: Creating a second JOIN criteria between two tables didn't work if the variables are (a,b) in table 1 and (b,a) in tables. The second drag-and-drop was ignored.
FIX: Query Builder: FULL OUTER JOIN on MySQL, Oracle 8i and Sybase was not generating complete SQL
FIX: Query Builder: WHERE Criteria for SQL statement now has correct paranthesis for all AND and OR statements
FIX: Script Generator: Now sorting constraints by type, then name to make diffs of schemas easier to do.
FIX: Script Browser: F5 would not refresh.
FIX: Script Browser: Did not have the ability to display files without an extension. In File->Options->General:Script Filters a "*" may be added to include files without extensions
FIX: SQL Formatter: Uppercase Keywords would not uppercase AS, CASE, THEN and ELSE
FIX: (Sybase) Table Data Editor: If a SELECT is done on a table with no primary key or unique constraint, but has a unique index, ADS would not use it as a primary key.
FIX: (DB2) Query Window Syntax Coloring: Added keywords COLLECT, SAMPLED and DETAILED
FIX: (Oracle) Session Manager: Sort order in Session Stats was not saved between refreshes.
4.7.0: CHANGE: Tagged current build as 4.7.0
FEATURE: Visual Query Builder: Added new query builder which may be accessed through the main application toolbar and the popup menu in the schem browser
4.6.17: FEATURE: (DB2) SQL Statement Execution. All "--" comments are removed from SQL statements except for CREATE PROCEDURE, FUNCTION and TRIGGER before execution regardless if they are client or server side comments
FIX: Grid Results: copy to clipboard would add a line feed after last line.
FIX: (Oracle) Script Generator: If a foreign key constraint was created on a reference table column which had an Index created on the column before the primary key constraint was created, then the reference column would not appear in the CREATE CONSTRAINT statement.
4.6.16: FEATURE: (Oracle, DB2) Query Window: There is now the ability to change the current schema. The toolbar now has a combo box with a list of schemas. Changing the current
schema will change the context for auto-completion and the context of the database.
FEATURE: Syntax Coloring: Added an option in File->Options:Editor for coloring numerics. Default syntax color of numerics is magenta.
FEATURE: Editor: Added an option in File->Options:Editor for enabling/disabling auto-brace matching. Default value is enabled.
FEATURE: Schema Browser:
- Added the ability to mount different folder locations into the schema browser, so that users can mount shared directories to share folders.
- Added ability to rename a Server connection in the Server Properties
- When deleting a folder with connections in it, ADS will notify the user that all connections and sub folders must be removed before proceeding.
- Added the following Key Bindings to the schema browser functionalities
- CTRL-INSERT: Connect
- CTRL-DELETE: Disconnect
- SHIFT-INSERT: Register Server Clone
- ALT-ENTER: Server Properties
- ENTER: Will expand/collapse current node
FEATURE: (DB2) Schema Browser: Added "Materialized View" node to display a list of Materialized Views and the columns and indexes of the views
FIX: (Oracle) Script Generator: Now includes the PUBLIC schema.
FIX: (Sybase and SQL Server): Query Analyzer: Executing an UPDATE statement with an "exists" clause would set the Statement.setMaxRows() limiting the rows modified.
FIX: (Sybase and SQL Server) Permissions: INSERT statements on temporary tables avoided permissions
4.6.15: FEATURE: Queray Analzyer: Optional popup confirmation dialog for uncommitted transactions now warns if a UPDATE or DELETE statement is executed without a WHERE clause
FEATURE: Parameterized Scripts: option to define a default value for a parameter in a parameterized script
FIX: Query Analzyer: Script parser: Statement with a quoted string that contained a linefeed,GO,linefeed would be split into two statements
FIX: Parameterized Scripts: Parameter names with special were allowed, they are no longer allowed and are terminated if the name contains any character other then a-z/A-Z/0-9.
FIX: Parameterized Scripts: Execute Edit now supports parameterized scripts
FIX: Query Analzyer: Auto-Completion where a column was in a function with more then one parameter would cause the auto-completion to always complete with tables.
FIX: Procedure Editor: A "--" client side comment in a quoted string would through off the parser.
FIX: (Oracle) Create Table Dialog: Foreign keys would be created as DISABLED. (bug introduced in 4.6.10)
FIX: (Oracle) Schema Browser: Foreign Key constraint sometimes had double identical values.
FIX: (Oracle) Table Data Editor: SQL Generator for Date modifications now use TO_DATE('','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')
instead of TO_DATE('','YYYY-MM-DD HH12:MI:SS PM') to prevent a syntax error when running ADS in Japanese locale
4.6.14: FEARURE: Schema Browser: Servers that don't have their passwords saved. When a user connects and specifies a username
and password, ADS will now hold the username and password in memory until the user disconnects or closes ADS. The
username and password will be used when openning a query window, tool or scripting.
FEATURE: Added File->Options:General:Prompt for commit when auto-commit is OFF which will determine whether the
application will prompt the user to commit if rows are modified and auto-commit is not enabled.
FEATURE: (Oracle) Session Manager: Added column to session tab for SPID.
FEATURE: (Oracle) Session Manager: Added in toolbar the MAXIMUM number of processes
FIX: Query Analzyer: Executing a CallableStatement with .executeCallableQuery would not print out sql warnings.
FIX: Parameterize Scripts: An "&" in a single quoted string without a leading "\" where it is not the first character
in the single quote, a parameter dialog would prompt for a variable.
FIX: (Oracle) Profile Dialog: editing or viewing profile would not set the "Expire in" correctly.
FIX: (Oracle) Security Manager: User tab: Added columns "Locked Date" and "Expired Date"
FIX: (Informix) Create Table Dialog: (Bug Introduced in 4.6.10) Prevented from creating table with VARCHAR/NVARCHAR because it required a precision and scale value
4.6.13: FEATURE: (Oracle) Session Manager: Added in toolbar the ACTIVE, INACTIVE and MAXIMUM number of sessions
FIX: (SQL Server, Sybase, Sybase Any): ADS would not use the Statement.setMaxRows() to trunace rows because of a driver bug.
This caused performance issues when quering on a table with large number of rows, even if the Max Rows was set to a low amount.
ADS now analyzes the query and only uses Statement.setMaxRows() with statements that have a SELECT statement.
FIX: Parameterized Scripts: Client Side Comments are now not replaced or prompted for when executing script
FIX: Parameterized Scripts: Parameter Dialog: parameters were not in order of occurance.
FIX: Parameterized Scripts: Parameter Dialog: multiple parameters of the same name in a quoted string incorrectly replaced the values
FIX: Parameterized Scripts: Parameter Dialog: Cancelling on the dialog would still execute the script.
4.6.12: FIX: Query Analzyer: Executing a statement when "Auto Commit" enabled, "Commit" and "Rollback" are not re-enabled after query completes.
4.6.11: FEATURE: Options:General: Added "SQL Server Quoted Identifier (Default)" and "Sybase Quoted Identifier (Default)" so the user may define the default value when registering a Sybase or SQL Server
FEATURE: Query Analyzer: Parameterized Script: Ability to execute scripts with defined parameters.
Parameters are defined by a leading "&". Parameters in quotes need to be escaped by "\".
- Query Window toolbar: added "parameterized scipt" toggle button.
- Options:Query Analyzer - Added option to specify default value of "Parameterized Script" for each database.
FEATURE: (Oracle) Session Manager: Added USERNAME to the Session columns and the Grouping toolbar button.
FIX: Query Analyzer: Query statment with a "--" server side comment at the end of the statment would prevent "Execute Edit" from executing.
FIX: SQL Formatter: Formater didn't format statements wit "~" in it.
FIX: SQL Formatter: Added "PLAN" as a keyword for line breaks.
FIX: SQL Formatter: RIGHT, LEFT, OUTER, JOIN and ON where no uppercased when Uppercase Keywords option was on.
FIX: Schema Browser: Performance increase on expanding nodes with large lists. UI event update only fired once for all items, instead of firing event for each new node.
FIX: (Oracle) Schema Browser: Optimized queries for folders Tables, Package Bodies, Package Functions & Procedures and Parameters.
FIX: (Informix): Script Procedure/Function: Scripting Functions & Procedures with a script separator of ";" would include two ";" at the end of the CREATE statement.
FIX: (Informix): Auto-commit being disabled would prevent the user to change the current database.
FIX: (Informix): Extract Index: Informix 9.3 and above only supported 8 columns in index when up to 16 are supported.
FIX: (PostgreSQL): Script CREATE Table: Tables with varchar columns without column size definition would script as "varchar(-5)"
FIX: (Sybase): Constraint Scripting & Script Generator: Scripting Table w/ Constraints would generate CREATE INDEX for unique constraints.
FIX: (Sybase): Script CREATE TABLE: Binded defaults were not scripted as a separate bind statement.
FIX: (Sybase): Script Generator the order of CREATE DEFAULT and CREATE TABLE were not in the correct order.
FIX: (Sybase): Script CREATE Table now contains LOCK DATAROWS, ALLPAGES, DATAPAGES syntax
FIX: (SQL Server): Script CREATE TABLE: Binded defaults were not scripted as a separate bind statement.
FIX: (SQL Server): Script Generator the order of CREATE DEFAULT and CREATE TABLE were not in the correct order.
4.6.10: REQUIREMENT: This build now requires Java 1.5, before update verify ADS is being run by Java 1.5 in Help->About:System:java.version
UPDATE: Upgraded to JGraph Library and JGraphLayout 1.2.2
FEATURE: Table Data Editor: Option in Options:General:Table Data Editor - Option to disable transaction requirements for table data editor. Some Informix databases my have transactions disabled. User may disable transaction requirements at own risk.
FEATURE: Server Registration: Generic JDBC connections: When browsing file selection for drivers, user may now select multiple files at a time with Control-Click.
FEATURE: (Oracle) Oracle DBA Tools now use threads and delayed tab quering to increase UI response time in case of long running meta data queries, and prompts user with "Searching ..." messages.
FEATURE: (SQL Server 2005): Schema Browser: Added folders for Synonyms, System Views, Assemblies, XML Schema Collections, Asymmetric Keys, Certificates and Symmetric Keys
FEATURE: (SQL Server 2005): Schema Browser: Added Schema name to objects in Datatypes, Rules and Defaults
FIX: Export Tool: When exporting a table (not a resultset) ADS will prequery (select count(*) from table) to get a total count of rows to be exported to make an exact estimate to completion.
FIX: Server Registration: Components on General Tab would not resize with the window size.
FIX: Schema Browser: Drag-n-Drop of servers from groups to groups didn't work since the new Shortcut Toolbar.
FIX: Import/Export Tool: Average Row Time and Estimated time was calculated without fractions of a millisecond which had less time accuracy. Now time is calculated with 1/1000 of a millisecond accuracy.
FIX: (Oracle): Script Constraint defintions, added support for Constraint state keywords ENABLE/DISABLE, RELY/NORELY and VALIDATE/NOVALIDATE
FIX: (Oracle): Schema Browser: Previously didn't display tables based off of Object Types.
FIX: (SQL Server 2005): Schema Browser, Logs only contained date. Now has full log.
FIX: (Sybase): Openning a query window with no database context selected in schema browser now sets database to the user default.
FIX: (SQL Server, Sybase, Sybase Any): Query Window Max Results affected UPDATE/INSERT statements row max modifications because of Driver bug. Workaround now fixes issue.
FIX: (Informix): Table Script CREATE definition. VARCHAR and NVARCHAR datatypes with reserve values (ex: VARCHAR(3,1)) would be scripted with incorrect length values.
FIX: (Informix): Script Generator: Scripting Functions & Procedures with a script separator of ";" would include two ";" at the end of the CREATE statement.
ADDED: SwingX Library by Sun Microsystems (http://swinglabs.org) Source/License: http://download.aquafold.com/download/libraries/swingx/
4.6.9: FEATURE: Server Registration: Oracle Connections: SID option: Service Name is now allowed by appending "SERVICE:" in front of the value, in which case ADS will use the new URL ServiceName format jdbc:oracle:thin:@//host:port/servicename.
FIX: Oracle Connections: In build 4.6.8 I changed the connection URL to use the format jdbc:oracle:thin:@//host:port/servicename which prevented connections in certain scenarios. Now reverted back to old format.
FIX: SQL Server 2005:
- Database Visual Editing/Scripting: If a log file had a MaxSize = MAX_INT then the log file would not be included.
- Triggers Schema browser/Scripting: Would not be visible or scriptable if the schema was not "dbo"
FIX: Save Results: XML Format: Added encoding for ><&"' characters
4.6.8: FEATURE: Oracle DBA Tools
- Added DBA Tools for Oracle including: Instance Manager, Storage Manager, Rollback Manager, Log Manager, Security Manager,
Session Manager, SGA Manager and Server Statistics
- Application Menu bar now provides a list of Oracle DBA Tools.
- Schema Browser context menu now contains Oracle DBA Tools menu for Oracle connections.
FEATURE: Query Analyzer Permssions by Server Type {Production, Development & Test}.
- Default Permissions: Added File->Options->Permissions to set the default permissions to a server connection by server type.
- Server Connection Dialog: Added Permissions Tab to specify Query Analyzer permissions. Permissions are set by selecting Server Type, and are modifiable after server selection.
- Query Analyzer: SQL execution is restricted depending on server permissions.
FEATURE: Register Server: Username and Password may now be external application which provides the username or password in the StdOut.
To specify an external application, wrap the value with a "~`" at the beginning and "`~" at the end of the value.
Example: On Windows, the username or password value can be ~`cmd /c more "%HOMEPATH%\username.txt"`~ where username.txt has the username or password in it.
Note: On Unix you may not execute scripts because the JVM has problems retreiving the StdOut when running a command shell (sh, bash), but binary executables work
FIX: Toolbar Shortcuts: Allow shortcuts from any node
FIX: (DB2) Table Data Editor: Enabled editing for LONG VARCHAR data types.
FIX: (Sybase) Extraction: In some cases Unique Constraints where not extracted.
FIX: (MySQL) Extraction: Procedure & Functions with 0 parameters where the parameter brackets have a space in between Example: "( )" would not extract
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