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Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
- FIX: (Sybase) : Sybase Storage Manager: List of Cache would display incorrect size on caches bigger then 4 gigs.
- FIX: (Sybase) : Sybaes Storage Manager: Device usage was incorrect in the case the server was setup with a 4k page size.
- FIX: (DB2) : Visual Explain: If the current schema context in a query window was changed, then Execute Explain would not work.
- FIX: If File->Options->Statement Separator whas changed to ";" then the Visual Editing dialogs would not apply changes, instead the user would get an error.
- FEATURE: Query Analyzer Window: Added in Server menu "Query Analyzer Clone", allowing a user to open multiple tabs in the Window frame as long as
it is on the same server.
- FEATURE: Schema Browser filtering on Object Folders is now applied to the Schema and/or object name defined in the advanced tab. So, if the
schema and object name are defined then the filter will be applied to the schema and object name instead of just the object name.
- FIX: (SQL Server) - Script Procedure where the procedure had a comment block before the definition with 1 or more line feeds
seperating the comments and definition, would not script correctly.
- FIX: (MySQL) - Scripting a Primary Key or Foreign Key constraint as a separate and individual script would generate the DDL incorrectly.
- FIX: (PostgreSQL) - Script Procedure CREATE and executing Procedures with $$ syntax: Minor bugs
- FIX: Procedure/Package Editor: If the connection of the editor was dropped, and a compile was executed, it would warn that the connection was
closed, but any subsequent compiles would report successfully.
- FIX: Procedure/Package Editor and Image Viewer: One window resize, made the bottom panel fixed width and top resizable.
- FIX: SQL Editor: Comment Block with space between ending "*" and "/" would cause unclosed comment. Example: "/* **** */".
- FEATURE: Added aqua script command ".saveResults" and ".saveLastResult" with the following syntax ...
- FIX: (Oracle) File->Options->Results Format: Added TIMESTAMP for Oracle
- FIX: (Oracle) Register Oracle Database: Added support for LDAP in this format
Host: ldap://xx.yy.zz
Port: 389
SID: cn=OracleContext,dc=world/y5
- FIX: (Sybase ASE) - Session Manager now works for users that don't have sa_role
- FIX: (Sybase ASE) - Create Database Dialog sometimes would generate a blank SQL statement.
- FIX: (Sybase Any & IQ) - Script Table CREATE which had columns with User Defined Datatype would script with base datatype
- FIX: (Sybase Any) Extract methods on database with BLANK PADDING ON would script with spaces in datatype name
- FIX: (Oracle) Schema browser and Script Table didn't support GLOBAL TEMPORARY tables.
- FIX: (Sybase Any & IQ) Schema Browser and Script Table didn't support GLOBAL TEMPORARY tables.
- FIX: Query Analyzer Clone: Now keeps the same divider location as the previous window.
- FIX: Application icon has been changed to a higher resolution.
- FEATURE: Export Tool: Now has option to indicate the Date quote identifier.
- FEATURE: AutoCompletion: File->Options->Scripts-> Now has options "Quote Identifier for Object Table Completion" and
"Quote Identifier for Column Table Completion", which will allow auto-completion to complete object/column names to be
quoted on completion.
- FIX: Editors: Key bindings for Duplicate Line/Selection changed to Ctrl-K (Cmd-K on OSX)
- FIX: (OSX) - Text/XML/HTML Editors - Preview in browser didn't work on OSX.
- FIX: Editors - Added Shift-DELETE to cut current line, and CTRL-L to duplicate current line or selected text
- FIX: (Oracle) - Script DDL on foreign key constraints contained an incorrect "ON DELETE" clause if there was no action set initially
- FIX: (Sybase) - Syntax Coloring in Editor: Added "STATISTICS"
- FIX: (Sybase) - Script DDL on NONCLUSTERED INDEX with ALLOW_DUP_ROW now explicitly adds ALLOW_DUP_ROW into DDL
- FIX: (Sybase) - Script Permissions didn't always get all the permissions (under unreproducable scenarios)
- FIX: Unable to rename an Editor Tab
- FIX: Table Data Editor: Fill Up/Down where the initial value is NULL would fill a string value of "(null)"
- FIX: (Sybase ASE) Script Table CREATE with foreign key that references table in a different database then the table, the foreign key would not be scripted.
- FEATURE: (DB2) Support for DB2 Kerberos Authentication
- FIX: (PostgreSQL) Script CREATE (Full) on a table would script an index that was bound to the primary key.
- FIX: Query Windows: Execute Edit: Doing and Execute Edit on a statement that wasn't a SELECT would still execute the statement.
- FEATURE: Added File->Options:General:General:[Display Splash Screen] to give the user to disable the splash
- FEATURE: (Oracle) Schema Browser Scripting: Added support to script CREATE & DROP for Database Links
- FIX: (SQL Server) Extract & Script database user: Optimize the query which didn't perform well on databases with many users.
- FIXL SQL History: In some cases Oracle drivers didn't return the current database and would cause SQL History not to save statements.
- FIX: Tab Labels: Label names are no longer truncated with "..." in the center of the label name.
- FIX: Procedure & Package Editor Tab Labels: Now have the initial tab name <SERVERNAME> - <PROCNAME>
- FIX: Script Generator: Sort Dependency would return a "null" error message.
- FIX: (Sybase Anywhere) Script Procedure CREATE would pad procedure name with spaces.
- FIX: (Sybase) Script Database CREATE: Now recreates DDL in the same format initially used to create the database to maintain logical positioning.
- FIX: (Sybase) DBA Tools: Storage Manager: Now calculates size with @maxpagesize instead of @pagesize
- FIX: Query Builder: Clicking on a shortcut would not clear the old criteria values if the cell editor in the cell was still open
- FIX: Sybase Anywhere/IQ: Alter Table Dialog would modify the table by using the user name as the schema regardless of the schema owner
- FIX: Schema/Directory Diff: The initial diff of the files and objects would not take into consideration "Ignore Case"
- FEATURE: Query Builder: Shortcut buttons now have in the popup menu "Add selected to query", "Overwrite query with selected"
- FEATURE: (DB2) Script Generator: Added support for "Enable Identity Insert" for GENERATED columns
- FIX: Options Dialog: If a value was changed but the cell editor was open and the "cancel" button was clicked, then the editing value
would reappear when the Option Dialog was reopenned.
- FIX: Import Tool: Not selecting a table would still allow the user to proceed. A table selection to import into is now required.
- FEATURE: (Sybase) Script Server Login DDL now includes fullname, passwdexp, minpwdlen, maxfailedlogins and auth_mech.
- FEATURE: (SQL Server) Script Server Login DDL now includes sid and encriptopt.
- FEATURE: Server Registration: Advanced tab: Added "Enable db filters for query window" to allow the filtering of databases in the query window
- FIX: (Generic JDBC/ODBC) after executing a statement/script the database would reset to the first one
- FIX: (Oracle) Query Window: Changing current Schema didn't use double quotes on schema name, so schemas with case and numbers would not work.
- FIX: (SQL Server): DBA Tool: Session Manager: Session name was always 'Process ID' + (background) and not user name
- FIX: (Sybase): DBA Tool: Session Manager: Session name was always 'Process ID' + (background) and not user name.
- FIX: (Sybase): DBA Tool: Session Manager: Current database was always 'master'
- FEATURE: Added File->Options->General:[Query Window: Show File Name] which determines if the currently open
file name is displayed in the tab name.
- FIX: (Oracle) Schema Browser: Package Functions & Procedures: Script->Object:EXECUTE BIND would not work.
- FEATURE: SQL History: Added "Database" column to identify the database the database the query was executed in.
- FEATURE: Grid Results: NULL values are now in italics to distinguish between "(null)" string and "(null)" value.
- FEATURE: File->Options->General:History:Enable SQL History Archiving. This will archive SQL History instead of
deleting them. The SQL History is archived into <USER_HOME>\.datastudio\history\archive
- FIX: Sybase DBA Tools: Storage Manager: Databases with size usage greater then 4gigs would show a size of zero.
- FIX: Auto-completion: column completion imidiately after a "/", "+", "-" and "*" would not complete
- FEATURE: Table Data Editor: NULL values are now in italics to distinguish between "(null)" string and "(null)" value.
- FEATURE: File->Options->SQL Editor:[Syntax Coloring:Enable Bold]. This option allows the user to enable/disable boldness in the keywords.
- FEATURE: File->Options->General:[Difference Tool]. Added options "Ignore Leading Spaces", "Ignore Trailing Spaces", "Ignore Embedded Spaces",
"Ignore case" as options for comparing.
- FIX: Table Data Editor: Added option in File->Options:Table Editor: "Transform '(null)' to NULL value when pasting from clipboard".
This option provides the ability to set the behavior on how to handle text values of '(null)'. This allows a user to copy/paste
within the Table Data Editor and to keep NULL values.
- FIX: SQL Formatter: Line break after comma would happen after commas in functions calls
- FIX: Could not open Image Viewer from Toolbar if there were no Query Windows open.
- FEATURE: Query Builder Shortcuts
- File->Options:General:Query Builder [Shortcut Persistance] = {None, Application, Query File}: Determines if the
shortcuts in the Query Builder are saved within a query file, as a global list of shortcuts, or not at all.
- Added to popup menu of shortcuts "Move Right", "Move Left" and "Properties"
- Properties for Shortcuts now allow the renaming of the shortcut, setting a keybinding and indicating if all tables
are to be cleared
- FEATURE: Auto-Describe: Constraints now contain columns, referenced table/columns and check text.
- FEATURE: Editor: and Edit menu: Added "Goto Line" action with Ctrl/Cmd-G keybinding. This allows the user to goto a specific line
in the editor.
- FIX: Oracle Session Manager: Lock Tab: Tree was not showing icons.
- FIX: SQL Server: Editing a Procedure with a comment before the procedure where the comment was more then 4096 bytes would cause exception
- FIX: Options: Key Mapping: Changing a keystroke on a profile would be saved and used correct, but would display correctly in the tree list.
- FIX: F5 key shortcut to execute query window was not working as in previous versions of ADS. Added this back.
- FEATURE: Added File->Options:General:Difference Tools:Ignore Spaces. Which indicates whether the
right/left trimming of lines before comparing.
- FEATURE: Schema Diff Tool now show progress while extracting initial objects for better progress display.
- FEATURE: Directory Diff Tool: Now added a filter option to filter results
- FEATURE: Options: Key Mapping: Double click on action will edit the shortcut for quicker access
- FIX: SQL History: The start/end date was always the current date even though the dates were stored correctly.
- FIX: [Sybase ASE]: Import Tool: The schema combo box now contains the "guest" as a schema option to allow importing
temporary tables.
- FIX: Table Data Editor: "Insert Date Only" would insert next day if current time was after 12noon.
- FIX: [Generic JDBC/ODBC] Schema Browser didn't apply filters.
- FIX: [Sybase ASE] Import Tool: Exporting from a SELECT statement with an alias would display the column name as the label
instead of the alias.
- FIX: Application: If a single Query or Editor window is open with a file and then closed, the application header still has
the file name in it.
- FIX: ER Diagram Frame: with L&Feel of Aqua Data Studio(Stylus) would have the "Layout:" and "Entity View" labels in Gray.
- CHANGE: Oracle Package Editor: Selecting a function/procedure in the combo box doesn't highlight anymore just goes to the
first character.
- FEATURE: Added a Splash Screen
- FEATURE: Table Data Editor: If the results are truncated then the bottom right box of the status bar indicates the Truncation
with coloring if enabled.
- FEATURE: Table Data Editor: Current focused cell now has black border like Excel/OpenOffice.
- FEATURE: Table Data Editor: Added "Copy" and "Paste" to Edit menu and popup menu
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