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Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
- FIX: DB2 LUW 9.7 and above : Added support for Global Temporary tables in DDL Generation
- FIX: Oracle : Script Table Full with Default Parallel would not script NOPARALLEL clause.
- FIX: DB2 XML Datatypes values where not extracted as XML text, but as java class names.
- FIX: Re-Executing a query with a defined pivot grid and hidden headers would show refreshed pivot grid with headers.
- FIX: Table Data Editor : Now has the ability to defined unclonable columns for datatypes that are automatically generated by database. Added SybaseASE-timestamp and Informix-Serial
- FIX: MySQL : Visual Edit Table ->Constraints. Deleting of constraints were disabled. Now enabled.
- FIX: Sybase ASE ... now use @@ncharsize and @@unicharsize to calculate lengh of nvarchar and univarchar length for server with different sizes.
- FIX: ER Modeler DDL generation script for DB2 LUW Identity was not correct.
- FIX: Sybase ASE : Script Temporary Databases didn't include the TEMPORARY clause.
- FIX: Schema Compare : Indexes are now sorted by name so that the compare is a logical compare even if they were ordered incorrectly
- FIX: ER Modeler->Generate Script on DB2 LUW : Scripting Table with Identity ALWAYS would cause exception.
- FIX: Sybase IQ : (12.6 and above) : Scripting Procedure. Some IQ installations (primarily upgraded installations) sometimes have zero length or padded blank values for sysprocedures.source which causes ADS to script a blank CREATE PROCEDURE block.
- FIX: Sybase IQ : (12.6 and above) Scripting Procedure would script compiled/unformatted create procedure code. Now scripts original code from system catalog sysprocedures.source.
- FIX: SQL Formatter would not handle CASE correctly under certain scenarios and would break SQL
- FIX: Disabled DriverManager.setLoginTimeout() because some JDBC drivers use this as a socket timeout. (Which is stupid, but we can't do anything about that)
The DriverManager.setLoginTimeout() was initially set to prevent ADS from pausing for a long on a connection attempt that failed.
- FIX: Oracle : Query on Oracle Struct objects now converted to strings, such as RDF data.
- FIX: DB2 iSeries : DriverMangaer.loginTimeout() is global. Set to 0 (zero) when attempting to connect to iSeries because of JTOpen bug
- FIX: DB2 iSeries : New JTOpen JDBC driver for DB2 iSeries has bug that uses DriverMangaer.loginTimeout() as a connection timeout. Workaround, ADS doesn't set LoginTimeout for DB2 iSeries.
- FIX: DB2 Visual Explain would not work if user would change current schema to different then user login name
- FIX: DB2 Visual Explain ... if explain tables don't exist on user schema, fall back on SYSTOOLS schema
- FIX: DB2 Alter Tablespace was not extracting datafile size
- FIX: Schema Compare : Small memory leak fix
- FIX: Table Data Editor: on Mac OSX selects first typed character
- FIX: Table Data Editor: A cloned row of a cloned row would not retain data formats.
- FIX: Sybase ASE : Extract Table Check Constraint : Check constraint longer then 255 characters was truncated to 255.
- FIX: Localization Mnemonics : Now avoids duplicate mnemonics in dialogs.
- MINOR CHANGE: OSX - Lowered acceleration on mouse scroll wheel for navigating editors.
- FIX: Schema Compare: Now sorts triggers by name in DDL generation to have closer and more acurate matches in the DDL text compare, subject to mis aligned triggers because of order.
- FIX: DB2 iSeries : Execute Edit, case sensitive for table names was not working.
- FIX: Import Tool : MySQL : Create Table from import tool would have initial values of "PREVIOUS" for datadir and indexdir which would prevent creating table.
- FIX: Document Tab Pane : Having multiple windows open in multiple Vertical Tabs, and then clicking on a tab in one group would also select appropriate tab in other groups.
- FIX: DB2 iSeries : Execute Edit was always case sensitive on table names requiring upper case all the time.
- FIX: OSX : Default key bindings for bookmarks on OSX didn't work, so changed to CTRL-Command-[M/Up/Down]
- FIX: Sybase ASE : Script Index truncated columns after 15 columns.
- FIX: Bookmarks on Package/Procedure editors didn't work with the popup menus.
- FIX: Oracle : Executing or Debugging Functions/Procedures which had a return type of TYPE AS TABLE <TYPE> would fail.
- PATCH: OSX 10.5 Java 6 Update 4 has a bug which prevents ADS from launching. This ADS patch only includes patches to the JIDE libraries to
work around the bug introduced by OSX 10.5 Java 6 Update 4. The JIDE patches dynamically determine the Java version to determine
how to work around the bug. To apply and fix the bug you need to do the two following things :
1) Update your ADS installation with this patch.
2) On OSX copy you /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/A/Resources/MacOS/JavaApplicationStub to ...
/Aqua Data Studio.app/Contents/MacOS/JavaApplicationStub
- NOTE: This build does not have any changes to ADS.
- FEATURE: File->Options->Results->Save Results->[Maximum string length saved for Excel worksheet] / Default: 10240
- FIX: Query Window: Syntax Coloring: Disable comment coloring in bracket object identifier names.
(eg: SQL Server: CREATE MESSAGE TYPE [tcp://BOOTES/TS_staging/send_phone_transaction_msg])
- FIX: Query Analyzer: Executing query with bracket object identifer that had // in the name, would interpret // as comment if // was set as client side comment.
// are no longer identified as comments in [] quote identifiers. (eg: SQL Server: CREATE MESSAGE TYPE [tcp://BOOTES/TS_staging/send_phone_transaction_msg])
- FIX: MySQL: Tinyint(1): MySQL JDBC driver java.sql.ResultSet.getObject() returns Boolean value for TINYINT(1) datatypes which is a bug.
Used workaround with java.sql.ResultSet.getShort() which works.
- FIX: Oracle: Openning Query Window would not refresh the current schema in combo box on initial openning. Only a bug in 7.5.16 with the new "post connection script" feature.
- FEATURE: Informix: Create Table dialog, storage tab now has option for TEMP and WITH NO LOG. This allows a user to run Import Tool from Query Window popup menu,
create temp table in Import Tool, import into temp table and access temp table in Query Window.
- FEATURE: Query Window: Popup Menu now has Tools menu for Import Tool, Export Tool and Object Search which uses the same connection as the Query Window.
- FEATURE: Export Tool: Now has option to export to Excel Worksheet
- FIX: Query Analyzer: If the native print method of the JVM/OS would fail, ADS printing would fail silently.
- FIX: SQL Server 2005+ : VARBINARY(MAX) column datatypes where scripted as VARBINARY(-1)
- FEATURE: Server Registration: Now has a "Script" tab, which allows user to enter an SQL Script that is executed each time a new connection is established.
This allows user to SET connection settings for a server connection. (eg: SET ROLE, ALTER SESSION SET XXX).
- FIX: Server Registration: Oracle TNS and Sybase.ini Datasource lookup didn't work on Linux/OSX because of file separator was using Windows forward slash.
- FEATURE: Table Data Editor: If only inserting rows, and no primary key is defined, then allow saving without primary key.
- FIX: MySQL Security Manager : Unable to drop user if list is grouped by username.
- FIX: Query Window Parser: A double quoted string with a "//" in it where the option of "//" comment being a client side comment
would cause the SQL statement to be truncated. This would only happen on invalid SQL statements, but would cause the SQL string to be
incorrect in the Text Results if the option to dispaly SQL was enabled.
- FIX: Execution Monitor: If execution monitor would popup warning dialog while user in a modal dialog, user would need to hit ESC to
exit modal dialog to continue even though user could not see dialog if the execution monitor dialog was on top.
- FIX: DB2 Table Visual editor dialog, storage tab, fixed label to "NOT logged initially".
- FIX: Save Results: button mnemonic for "Save to clipboard" was "c" which matched "Cancel". Changed to "b".
- FIX: Query Window: Popup menu had label "Compile" for the action "Execute". Changed to "Execute".
- FIX: Editor: Anti-aliasing option didn't affect font of the line numbers of the editor. Now they do.
- FIX: Explain Diagram: Force memory collection when closing window as large diagrams were causing large memory consumption over long term use.
- FIX: DB2 Table Visual Editing and DDL generation: Added APPEND ON/OFF clause
- FIX: DB2 iSeries : connections with Driver Param need to create URL with ";" instead of ":"
- FIX: Sybase ASE Storage Manager : Removed "Space Available" column from database tab as value was always "Unavailable".
- FIX: Oracle Session Manager: Explain Plan on Current statement would not work if no schema was indicated and create/drop option was disabled.
- FIX: Explain Diagram: Contained minor memory leak.
- FIX: Import/Export Tool: Minor layout of GUI on OSX.
- FIX: Informix Table extraction queries have been optimized. Informix database with 54,000 tables in system catalogs would extract a single table in 10 minutes.
- FIX: Editor : Replace functionality would replace twice sometimes is multiple windows of the same editor type were open.
- FIX: Informix Indexes extraction queries had a missing JOIN criteria which would produce a very slow query taking minutes in certain databases.
- FIX: Applied Text Results optimization fix to Text History Results.
- FIX: Informix: Index Extraction: Optimized extraction query for performance, which was possibly slowing down Table->Script->CREATE
- FIX: Results Compare progress bar was broken so it didn't allow you to cancel comparision.
- FEATURE: Query Window: Added CTRL-SHIFT-; hot key to enable/disable [";" as statement separator]
- FIX: Text Results: Speed Optimizations. The new editor component introduced performance issues in Text Results for ADS 7.0. We have
fixed the issues and increased performance even over ADS 6.5. Relative tests on a 100,000 rows SELECT for Text Results :
ADS 6.5 == 18 seconds
ADS 7.0 == 1 minute 3 seconds
ADS 7.5 == 13 seconds
- FIX: Query Builder: Default keybinding for Copy SQL is now Ctrl-Shift-C ... as Ctrl-C doesn't map since it is consumed by all other components
- FIX: Query Builder: Mouse Click Menu on tables->Unselect all columns would not work
- FIX: Query Builder: Loading new query build file on a different connection would not refresh database list in Add Table Dialog
- FIX: Query Builder: Saving to file with column expression and alias combination would fail
- FIX: Query Builder: On OSX, clicking on Table Entity Pane background would print harmless exception. Bug in OSX Java. Found workaround.
- FIX: Table Data Editor: Syntax coloring bug fix for sequential operation of clone, delete, clone, change primary key.
- FIX: Export Tool: If SELECT statement had comments, they would be removed before execution.
- FEATURE: Query Builder: Added support for BETWEEN operator in Quick Criteria Mode
- FIX: Oracle: Package Editor would fail to open, now fixed.
- FIX: ER Modeler: Russian translation fix for dialog closing window.
- FIX: Informix w/ Replication: Possible performance issue to Script->CREATE on tables in databases with replication.
7.5.4 - Internal Build
- FIX: Results Compare would fail on NULL comparison values
- FIX: Editor Abbreviations from previous versions of ADS would not transfer over to 7.5 and would require recreation if there were more then one.
- CRITICAL FIX: SQL Server BIGINT datatypes: Large Numeric Values (greater then 16 million)
would lose precision in data extraction. Values were converted from Long to Float
and back to BigDecimal, which could loose precision.
- FIX: ER Modeler/Visual Editing : Added support for length on binary/varbinary datatypes for SQL Server, Sybase ASE, Sybase Anywhere and Sybase IQ
- FIX: Query Builder: When unchecking a row in graph entity, only remove the changed row.
This bug is new in the 7.5 branch, and did not exist in version 7.0 or previous versions.
The bug was introduced in the 7.5 code branch as part of the memory optimizations included
in 7.5. For SQL Server BIGINT datatypes, ADS stores them are BigDecimal values, but the
JDBC drivers return them as Long values. The bug would convert the Long values to Float
and then back to BigDecimal values which would potentially loose precision values
depending on the actual value. This would effect any data extraction on SQL Server with
BIGINT datatypes. If you have any questions on how this may affect your systems please contact us at ([email protected])
This bug only effects the MS SQL Server database server, and does not effect others.
- FIX: Editor: Option to enable anti-aliasing was not working.
- FIX: Editor: Abbreviation expansion would place cursor at beginning of the expanded on first row only.
- FIX: ER Modeler: Sybase numerics labels didn't include precision and scale. ER (precision,scale)
- FIX: Update to jInterop library to fix SQL Server Debugger Bug. Debugger for longer then 6 minutes at one time would sometimes disconnect debugging session.
- FIX: Results Diff: Preview didn't expect nulls, and memory problem.
- FEATURE: Double click on Execution Plan Grid and Properties Grid in Explain Diagram now displays in Text Dialog.
- FEATURE: Local Permissions now use a dynamic tempdb name for SybaseASE as the tempdb is dynamic for logins
- FEATURE: Added "';' Statement separator" option to File->Options->Scripts for each database to allow enabling on a per database basis.
- See new features here:
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