Easily find issues by searching: #<Issue ID>
Example: #1832
Easily find members by searching in: <username>, <first name> and <last name>.
Example: Search smith, will return results smith and adamsmith
Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
FIX: Visual Editing: Alter a view from Oracle -> Tables -> Dependencies -> View, is not setting the schema correctly.
FIX: Visual Editing: MySQL : Alter Table on table with an "int" datatype. Change to Unsigned = YES and rename. DDL doesn't generate UNSIGNED syntax
FIX: Visual Editing: Oracle : Alter Table on table, default value for parallel when creating table will not script a value.
FIX: Visual Editing: Alter Table on PostgreSQL with VARCHAR(0) prevents modification
FIX: Table Data Editor: will not save data if you close the window and choose to save ... if PK is not defined.
FIX: ER Modeler: PostgreSQL : Varchar does not require length anymore
FIX: ER Modeler: Relationship positioning isn't always saved
FIX: Subversion: Locking issues with refresh workspace would cause refresh to occur more often.
FIX: Open API: Added compare options to AQSchemaComparator
FIX: Open API: Fix for DB2 compare of procedures. The parameters for arraylist where not sorted on extraction.
FIX: Open API: Oracle Schema Compare saveToHtml would overwrite Package with PackageBody
FIX: Open API: Added API : AQDataSet[] AQStatementResult.getResultList()
FIX: Open API: Added API : AQExcelSpreadsheet
FIX: Open API: Open API CoreResultSet.getRow() was not making special conversions for datetimes
FIX : Query Window : Added unicode support for the rich text clipboard transferable.
FIX : Query Window : Queries of length 14,000+ chars would prevent execution.
FIX : AquaProjects : Allow context menu to "Debug in Procedure Debugger" in Projects
FEATURE : Add icon with tooltip to each Grid Results where the tooltip is the first 100 chars of the SQL for the results
FIX: Printing : No longer forces print margins
FIX: PostgreSQL : Added bigserial to postgresql datatypes
FIX: SQL Server 2008 : Added Geometry & Geography datatypes
FIX: nCluster : Results Format for dates on nCluster not being applied
FIX: Oracle : Storage Manager : If zero space available on datafile, bar indicator showed 0% used instead of 100%.
FIX: Schema Compare : Permissions in DDL were not sorted, so same permissions might show as differences if in different order
FIX: Open API : DDL generation on Oracle could fail on some datatypes with NPE.
FEATURE: Added Informix Driver authentication for PAM : com.aquafold.aquacore.api.security.PamAuth :
Register a connection, and in the Driver tab include the value :
FIX: MySQL : View Extraction was quering on all databases
FIX: PostgreSQL 8.3+ : Extraction and scripting of extra index options (USING, NULLS, FILLFACTOR, FASTUPDATE, TABLESPACE)
FIX: Oracle : Scripting comments on views was use COMMENT ON VIEW, but should be COMMENT ON TABLE
FIX: JDBC Driver loading order now puts Informix before DB2 to prevent obscure messages on Informix connection failure
FIX: AquaProjects : Drag and Drop from AquaProjects now matches same as Server Tab.
FIX: SQL Server : Schema Browser didn't show encrypted triggers.
FIX: Sybase Anywhere : Added REAL to File->Options->Results Format as Anywhere returns REAL for FLOAT datatypes sometimes.
FIX: Sybase ASE : Scripting foriegn key constraints somethings throws NULL pointer exception
FIX: Sybase ASE : Extract View extracted incorrectly if you had views with same name in different schemas.
FIX: Sybase ASE : Partition information extraction when the partition was system generated.... for tables and indexes.
FIX: nCluster : When setting Max Results, we now also setFetchSize() as nCluster needs this to actually do a Max Results.
ENHANCEMENT: DB2 iSeries : ER Modeler ->Tools->Generate HTML Report : Add to report the system name for table/column
ENHANCEMENT: DB2 LUW : Debugger now shows more debug information in the console
ENHANCEMENT: Added Open API on for AQServerConnection
public Connection getJdbcConnection();
public void setAutoCommit(boolean enable) throws Exception;
public void rollback() throws Exception;
public void commit() throws Exception;
FIX: MS SQL Server : Object Search : Procedure source didn't search function source code.
FIX: MS SQL Server : Procedure Editor : Executing a function with a timestamp or datetime parameter failed.
FIX: MS SQL Server 7.0 : Scripting constraints included syntax valid only for SQL Server 2000 and above.
FIX: PostgreSQL : Procedure Editor : Executing function with a MONEY datatype parameter would fail.
FEATURE: Server Registration->Advanced : Added option "Always display column name in results" ... instead of column label.
FIX: Query Window : WebEx application sharing or Windows Remote Desktop causes application UI to reload and would cause the currently
open query window to lose some keyboard strokes, and the toolbar UI to be missaligned. This would require user to close window to fix.
FIX: Query Window : Reconnect on SQL Server would initially change database to 1st database, which would cause error dialog if
user did not have permission to change into the database.
FIX: AquaProject : Deploy dialog window hides the password field on OSX.
FIX: Chart engine : Intermittent chart repaint problem and flicker on resize is fixed, which also increases stability.
FIX: SQL Server : Debugger : DCOM connection would fail on Windows 7. Updated jInterop library for fix.
FIX: Postgresql : ER Modeler : Added PostgreSQL version 9.0 label.
FIX: DBA Tools : Sorting problem in session manager would cause temporary mis-alignment.
FIX: Editor : Removed key sequence of Alt-U : E for end of line, as it caused confusion for many users.
FIX: SQL Server : Scripting Table FULL did not include contraint partitioning.
FIX: DB2 8.2 : Work around for JDBC driver bug when using the retrieveMessagesFromServerOnGetMessage property for connections, would disconnect.
FIX: Charts : Tooltips showing Exponetial "E" for large numbers.
FIX: Schema Tree : Multiple indexes with the same name were only shows once
FIX: Script Generator : Scripting Indexes with the same name to one file per object will overwrite, now enumerates filename.
FIX: Projects->Server : Multi selection right-mouse click menu did not have Delete and did not match the multi selection menu in Schema browser.
FIX: Schema Compare & ER Modeler Database Compare : "Ignore Schema" and "Ignore Database" were
converted to "Include Schema" and "Include Database"
FIX: ER Modeler Database Compare : Include Tables and/or Views of the ER diagram only when object type
selected in Database compare list.
FIX: FIX: Sybase ASE & SQL Server : Explicitly script CLUSTERED and NONCLUSTERED for indexes and constraints
FIX: Anti-Aliasing for the SQL Editor did not take advantage of ClearType on Windows
FIX: DB2 LUW Session Manager : locks, lock types now have descriptions
FIX: ER Modeler : Database Compare : Ignore Schema would still hook on schema difference
FIX: .saveResults command : format option required case sensitivity.
ENHANCEMENT : Schema Compare now has options to ignore schema and ignore case on object alignments for comparison
ENHANCEMENT : ER Modeler->Database Compare now has options to ignore database & schema and ignore case on object alignments for comparison
ENHANCEMENT : Results Compare : Results choice dialog now allows to choose primary key columns before compare
FIX: Server Registration : ODBC Datasource browser for 64bit now lists 64bit sources.
FIX: ER Modeler : Database Compare didn't have all the options that the Schema Compare had
FIX: Save Results to Delimited Text would wrap http:// values with <a href> tag
FIX: Oracle : Table Data Editor : If a compound key contains data type of RAW, then UPDATEs and DELETEs would not take effect
FIX: Apache Derby : Fix on handling boolean to support version 10.6.x
FIX: SQL Server : Added option for NOCHECK in DDL
FIX: Sybase ASE : Script CREATE TABLE on default segment now quotes default since it is a keyword.
FIX: Typo in Open API AQSqlFormatter.setUseTabIdent method
ENHANCEMENT: Added Open API aqua.system.getProperty(), aqua.request.getRemoteHost() and aqua.request.getRemoteAddr()
FIX: ER Modeler : When comparing Model to Database never use Database name in fully qualified name,
otherwise all objects are different.
FIX: Table Data Editor openning from Schema browser doesn't have limit to 1000
FIX: DB2 LUW : Differentiated between ASC/DESC columns in an index & INCLUDED columns in the extraction.
FIX: Apache Derby : Version 10.6+ queries comparing boolean columns can no longer use 0/1, must use 't' or 'f' now
FIX: Query Window : CTRL-ENTER will auto-complete popup is up would not execute current statement.
ENHANCEMENT: Enabled access to Swing/AWT in Open API.
ENHANCEMENT: Added option File->Option->Results->Grid Results->[Persist sort across execution]
FIX: Procedure Editor : Execution of procedure remembers parameter values of previous execution.
FIX: nCluster : datatypes returning null type now made to varchar to minimize issues.
FIX: I18N : Object Permission Dialog did not work on non-English interface because of I18N bug.
FIX: Aqua Commands : parameter parser did not work in certain scenarios
FIX: RunScript.sh/.bat : would not exist after execution of script.
FIX: Charts : Changed the method or repainting charts on AWT window.
Paints smoother and prevents crash on unreliable Windows video drivers.
FIX: Merged 8.0.27 fixes
FIX: DB2 iSeries : Extraction/Scripting of tables/views to include column system names
FIX: OSX : OpenGL hanging bug which occured when you try to resize window after a query and grid
results were enabled but the charts not shown. Occured because of FPSAnimator
FIX: Merged 8.0.26 fixes
FIX: ER Modeler : Now auto-generates names for new objects
FIX: ER Modeler : You can now copy/paste regions and notes across models regardless of database type.
FEATURE: Netezza : Native support for Netezza.
FIX: Merged 8.0.25 fixes
FIX: MS SQL Server : Schema Tree View : Disabled Triggers now have icon to indicate status
FIX: Windows Chart Software Renderer : Handle to Windows Device context was not released when closing ADS.
Launching and closing ADS about 1000 times would cause ADS GUI refresh issues. [Restart Windows]
FIX: Pie Chart : Pie Chart label location calculation is much better now.
9.0.0-beta-3.05 - Internal Build
FIX: Merged 8.0.24 fixes
FIX: Drag & Drop of servers from Projects to Servers didn't work.
FIX: Open API : Lowercased method .isTeraData() to .isTeradata() in AQMetaData
FIX: Open API : AQUtil.htmlEncode() did not convert all characters correctly
FEATURE: Open API : Added method .isNetezza() to AQMetaData
9.0.0-beta-3.03 - Internal Build
FIX: Updated geo.jar for enhanced world map resolution.
FIX: Save Results Dialog on OSX had button sizing issues.
FIX: Sybase ASE 12.0 and below : Query Window : Change Database would fail because of [] quote identifier in DDL
FIX: Open API : aqua.random.nextColor() now matches : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_colors
ENHANCEMENT : Open API : Added method .getComment() to aqua.vcs -> AQRevision
ENHANCEMENT : FEATURE: Server Registration Dialog -> Driver tab enhancements
OPTION : Added File->Options->ER Modeler:[Enable Mouse Wheel Zoom] - [Invert Mouse Wheel]
FIX: Query Window : If you query and sort grid results, then query a different result without the sorted column
would cause grid result not to show for that query.
FIX: AquaScript Editor : On Linux a Shift-F1 on a function woult open browser to JavaDoc incorrectly because of space in URL.
FEATURE: AquaScript Editor : Lines with syntax error now give description of what the syntax error is.
FEATURE: Server Registration Dialog : Added "Driver" tab to give more information on URL and driver parameters.
- http://www.aquafold.com/d90/docs/
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