If the web browser is not loading the login page or other application pages, the cause could be misconfiguration of the application server.
If a user is waiting for more than 10 - 15 seconds for the login page to load, Aqua Data Server might not be able to connect to the database repository specified in the <USER_HOME>/.aquadataserver/aquadataserver.properties file. Open the aquadataserver.log file (<USER_HOME>/.aquadataserver/logs/aquadataserver.log) and check to see if there is an error message regarding the inability to connect to the DB repository. If the error message exists, check that the appropriate database name, database username and database password have been specified. Verify that the needed schema for the application has been created as indicated in the Installation steps. Make sure the MySQL database is up and running on the IP and port as specified in the aquadataserver.properties file. Finally, try connecting to the Repository (database) from the same machine that Aqua Data Server is installed on via Aqua Data Studio or another tool.
See the Contacting Support page for how to get in touch with AquaFold, Inc. about a specific issue.
If another application has been assigned to the same port as Aqua Data Server's default port, 8082, then Aqua Data Server will not run properly. Aqua Data Server's port can be changed by editing <USER_HOME>/aquadataserver/tomcat/conf/server.xml so that it does not conflict with any preexisting applications running at 8082. Look for the line below in <USER_HOME>/aquadataserver/tomcat/conf/server.xml, edit the Connector port 8082 to a port that is not in use, then restart the application.
<Connector port="8082" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
If you are starting Aqua Data Server as a service, and it cannot instantiate the Captcha class, please try the following:
TOMCAT_ARGUMENTS="-Djava.awt.headless=true -Djavax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory=com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.jaxp....
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