Easily find issues by searching: #<Issue ID>
Example: #1832
Easily find members by searching in: <username>, <first name> and <last name>.
Example: Search smith, will return results smith and adamsmith
Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
Editors Aqua Data Studio provides editors for specific files. Providing a Text , SQL, HTML, XML, JavaScript, AquaScript and Java Editors. Double clicking on a file within the Schema/Script Browser opens it in its associated editor within a new tab. Dragging one or more files from the desktop into Aqua Data Data Studio will open each in a tab. Editors - SQL Editor The SQL editor allows users to easily edit SQL files with syntax coloring, and allows the user to execute and test the SQL Statements. Abbreviations - Abbreviation support, within File->Options->Editors->SQL Editor->Abbreviations , allows for user-defined autocompletion. Lengthy blocks of SQL can be autocompleted with a few keystrokes. As an example, the SQL command: SELECT * can be an abbreviation which autocompletes or expands to SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE Freight > 500 and ShipCountry Editing Options - Within File->Options->Editors->SQL Editor , the Caret and Caret Color of Overwrite and Insert mode are configurable, as are the Editor Background and Editor Foreground. In-Line Diff Indicators - If the SQL document being edited is part of a source control repository, in-line diff indicators highlight adjacent to the row numbers, marking differences between the current edit and the current working copy from a repository. Right clicking in-line difference indcators allows performing a compare of the current edit to the currernt working copy from the the repository. Difference indicators also appear in the navigation bar on the right side of the editor. Clicking a difference indicator in the annotation bar scrolls the document to that location. End of Line Type - Within File->Options->Editors->SQL Editor there is an option to force a specific EOL [End of Line] type. Incremental Search - The Find dialog has several options: Match Case, Whole Words, Regular Expressions, Highlight Results, Wrap Around, Search Selection, Search Backwards and Incremental Search. All instances of the search terms can highlight within the SQL. If the Find button is clicked again, it selects the next instance of this term leaving the others still highlighted. Bookmarks - Bookmarks serve as quick navigation tools. Toggling a bookmark with Ctrl+Shift+M creates a bookmark. Moving from bookmark to bookmark is done with the keystrokes Ctrl+Shif+Up (previous bookmark) or Ctrl+Shift+Down (next bookmark). Bookmarks appear in the annotation bar on the right side of the editor. Clicking a bookmark scrolls the document to that location.
Editors - Java, JavaScript and AquaScript The Java, JavaScript and AquaScript editors come with all of the editing features available in Aqua Data Studio's other editors, like syntax highlighting, options for setting abbreviations and more.
Editor Bookmarks: Ability to set bookmarks in editor and then navigate through them quickly through hot keys or using the annotation bar which has indicators identifying the relative locations of the bookmarks within the editor content. Abbreviations - Abbreviation support, within File->Options->Editors->Java Editor->Abbreviations and File->Options->Editors->JavaScript/AquaScript Editor->Abbreviations, allows for user-defined autocompletion. Lengthy blocks of code can be autocompleted with a few keystrokes. As an example, the text: im can be an abbreviation which autocompletes or expands to: import java.io.lang Editing Options - Within File->Options->Editors->Java Editor and File->Options->Editors->JavaScript/AquaScript Editor, the Caret and Caret Color of Overwrite and Insert mode are configurable, as are the Editor Background and Editor Foreground. In-Line Diff Indicators - If the java code being edited is part of a source control repository, in-line diff indicators highlight adjacent to the row numbers, marking differences between the current edit and the current working copy from a repository. Right clicking in-line difference indcators allows performing a compare of the current edit to the currernt working copy from the the repository.End of Line Type - Within File->Options->Editors->Java Editor and File->Options->Editors->JavaScript/AquaScript Editor there is an option to force a specific EOL [End of Line] type. Incremental Search - The Find dialog has several options: Match Case, Whole Words, Regular Expressions, Highlight Results, Wrap Around, Search Selection, Search Backwards and Incremental Search. All instances of the search terms can highlight within the text. If the Find button is clicked again, it selects the next instance of this term leaving the others still highlighted. Bookmarks - Bookmarks serve as quick navigation tools. Toggling a bookmark with Ctrl+Shift+M creates a bookmark. Moving from bookmark to bookmark is done with the keystrokes Ctrl+Shif+Up (previous bookmark) or Ctrl+Shift+Down (next bookmark). Bookmarks appear in the annotation bar on the right side of the editor. Clicking a bookmark scrolls the document to that location. AquaScript Editor Autocompletion - These options set whether autocompletion is enabled for the AquaScript editor. AquaScript Editor Autocompletion Enabled - Determines whether AquaScript Auto-completion is enabled. AquaScript Editor Autocompletion Auto Popup - Code completion window automatically appears when appropriate. AquaScript Editor Autocompletion Auto Popup Delay - How long to wait (in milliseconds) before automatically popping up the completion window. AquaScript Editor Autocompletion Instant Substitution - Code completion performs instant substitution, if the search result contains only one item. AquaScript Editor Autocompletion Pane Maximum Size - The maximum size of the completion pane window. AquaScript Editor Autocompletion Pane Minimum Size - The minimum size of the completion pane window.
Editors - HTML Editor Abbreviations - Abbreviation support, within File->Options->Editors->HTML Editor->Abbreviations , allows for user-defined autocompletion. Lengthy blocks of HTML can be autocompleted with a few keystrokes. Editing Options - Within File->Options->Editors->HTML Editor , the Caret and Caret Color of Overwrite and Insert mode are configurable, as are the Editor Background and Editor Foreground. In-Line Diff Indicators - If the HTML document being edited is part of a source control repository, in-line diff indicators highlight adjacent to the row numbers, marking differences between the current edit and the current working copy from a repository. Right clicking in-line difference indcators allows performing a compare of the current edit to the currernt working copy from the the repository. Difference indicators also appear in the annotation bar on the right side of the editor. Clicking a difference indicator in the annotation bar scrolls the document to that location.End of Line Type - Within File->Options->Editors->HTML Editor there is an option to force a specific EOL [End of Line] type. Incremental Search - The Find dialog has several options: Match Case, Whole Words, Regular Expressions, Highlight Results, Wrap Around, Search Selection, Search Backwards and Incremental Search. All instances of the search terms can highlight within the HTML. If the Find button is clicked again, it selects the next instance of this term leaving the others still highlighted. Bookmarks - Bookmarks serve as quick navigation tools. Toggling a bookmark with Ctrl+Shift+M creates a bookmark. Moving from bookmark to bookmark is done with the keystrokes Ctrl+Shif+Up (previous bookmark) or Ctrl+Shift+Down (next bookmark). Bookmarks appear in the annotation bar on the right side of the editor. Clicking a bookmark scrolls the document to that location.
Editors - XML Editor Abbreviations - Abbreviation support, within File->Options->Editors->XML Editor->Abbreviations , allows for user-defined autocompletion. Lengthy blocks of XML can be autocompleted with a few keystrokes.
Editing Options - Within File->Options->Editors->XML Editor , the Caret and Caret Color of Overwrite and Insert mode are configurable, as are the Editor Background and Editor Foreground. In-Line Diff Indicators - If the HTML document being edited is part of a source control repository, in-line diff indicators highlight adjacent to the row numbers, marking differences between the current edit and the current working copy from a repository. Right clicking in-line difference indcators allows performing a compare of the current edit to the currernt working copy from the the repository. Difference indicators also appear in the annotation bar on the right side of the editor. Clicking a difference indicator in the annotation bar scrolls the document to that location.End of Line Type - Within File->Options->Editors->XML Editor there is an option to force a specific EOL [End of Line] type. Incremental Search - The Find dialog has several options: Match Case, Whole Words, Regular Expressions, Highlight Results, Wrap Around, Search Selection, Search Backwards and Incremental Search. All instances of the search terms can highlight within the XML. If the Find button is clicked again, it selects the next instance of this term leaving the others still highlighted. Bookmarks - Bookmarks serve as quick navigation tools. Toggling a bookmark with Ctrl+Shift+M creates a bookmark. Moving from bookmark to bookmark is done with the keystrokes Ctrl+Shif+Up (previous bookmark) or Ctrl+Shift+Down (next bookmark). Bookmarks appear in the annotation bar on the right side of the editor. Clicking a bookmark scrolls the document to that location.
Editors - Text Editor Abbreviations - Abbreviation support, within File->Options->Editors->Text Editor->Abbreviations , allows for user-defined autocompletion. Lengthy blocks of text can be autocompleted with a few keystrokes. As an example, the text: service can be an abbreviation which autocompletes or expands to: service for the next upgrade is included within a yearly subscription. Editing Options - Within File->Options->Editors->Text Editor , the Caret and Caret Color of Overwrite and Insert mode are configurable, as are the Editor Background and Editor Foreground. In-Line Diff Indicators - If the text document being edited is part of a source control repository, in-line diff indicators highlight adjacent to the row numbers, marking differences between the current edit and the current working copy from a repository. Right clicking in-line difference indcators allows performing a compare of the current edit to the currernt working copy from the the repository. Difference indicators also appear in the annotation bar on the right side of the editor. Clicking a difference indicator in the annotation bar scrolls the document to that location.End of Line Type - Within File->Options->Editors->Text Editor there is an option to force a specific EOL [End of Line] type. Incremental Search - The Find dialog has several options: Match Case, Whole Words, Regular Expressions, Highlight Results, Wrap Around, Search Selection, Search Backwards and Incremental Search. All instances of the search terms can highlight within the text. If the Find button is clicked again, it selects the next instance of this term leaving the others still highlighted. Bookmarks - Bookmarks serve as quick navigation tools. Toggling a bookmark with Ctrl+Shift+M creates a bookmark. Moving from bookmark to bookmark is done with the keystrokes Ctrl+Shif+Up (previous bookmark) or Ctrl+Shift+Down (next bookmark). Bookmarks appear in the annotation bar on the right side of the editor. Clicking a bookmark scrolls the document to that location. Editors - Regular Expressions The full regular expression syntax accepted by RE is described here:
Image Viewer The image viewer allows a user to view a list of images in a preview pane and operate on any selected image. The image viewer may be invoked from the Grid Results of the Query Window, or viewed from within the Table Data Editor while the "Convert Binary to hex" option is unchecked in File->Options->Results->Data Retrieval. A user may query a database for binary/image data and then load it into the image viewer. The image viewer supports GIF, JPG and PNG file formats.
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