Easily find issues by searching: #<Issue ID>
Example: #1832
Easily find members by searching in: <username>, <first name> and <last name>.
Example: Search smith, will return results smith and adamsmith
Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
Operations Overview
Workspace and Dockable Framework Overview
1. Menu Bar: Contains all of the menus available in the ER Modeler. Its menus are context sensitive based on the current selection in the model.
2. Tool Bar - Contains button icons for the viewing and display of items in the ER Modeler.
3. Sheet View - Contains all of the sheets of a diagram, each indicated with a tab. This is where the diagram displays. Objects can display on multiple sheets and can be layed out differently on each one without altering the layout of the other sheets.
4. Entity Palette - Contains all of the entities and relationships which may be created within a sheet. Regions can also be created from the Entity Palette.
5. Model Overview - Contains a thumbnail of the entire active sheet. A red rectangle indicates what portion of the thumbnail is being viewed. Moving this rectangle changes the area visible in the sheet.
6. Object Properties - Displays, in a non-editable form, the properties of the object currently selected in the Model Node Browser or Sheet.
7. Sheet "SQL Server 2000 - 54" - The current view of selected tables, relationships, notes and regions given the name "SQL Server 2000 - 54".
8. Table Entity Node - Contains a tree of the Relationships, Indexes and Constraints of a table.
9. View Entity Node - Contains a tree of the contents of a view not displayed on the current sheet.
10. Table Entity Object - A table, its attributes, keys, physical schema and comments in a relationship with two tables.
11. Region - A grouping of entity objects and notes. Regions do not exist as schema objects and are strictly for diagram organization.
12. Relationship Entity Object - Represents a relationship between tables.
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