검색을 통해 이슈를 손쉽게 찾아보세요: #<이슈 ID>
예시: #1832
다음의 검색으로 회원을 쉽게 찾으세요: <사용자 이름>, <명> 와 <성>.
예시: smith를 검색하면, smith 와 adamsmith의 검색결과를 가져옵니다.
Netezza registrations should be straight forward.
Tab Coloring
To Identify Server Environments, whether it is a Production, Development or Test, use Tab Coloring feature :
Using the Keyboard combination "CTRL + SHIFT + P", you may quickly access Server Properties and edit Tab Coloring options.
Edit the Server Properties, to use FILTER options for a Server in Aqua Data Studio:
Using the dropdown at the top of the Filter Tab, quickly change your Schema or Folder View.
Filter Examples:
If your intention is to show only the tables that start with XXPKD, then you'll need to change your main filter to "Exclude All", and secondary filter to "+XXPKD*". Note the "+" in front of the XXPKD pattern. Also note that the filter pattern is case sensitive.
The filter shown below is set to exclude all databases except those that start with "aq". This is similar to the above example where all schemas, except the XXPKD schema, are excluded. Then, there is an "Object Folder" filter on the Tables folder, which excludes everything except those that start with "forum".
Edit the Server Properties to use Advanced Properties in Aqua Data Studio:
With options in Advanced properties of a Server, you can :
Using the dropdown at the bottom of the Advanced Tab, quickly change your Object Display in the Server Browser.
Edit the Drivers Properties to use Driver Parameters in Aqua Data Studio:
With options in Driver properties of a Server, you can edit/view the :
Edit the Permissions in Server Properties in Aqua Data Studio:
With options in Permissions Tab of a Server, you can :
Edit Scripts in Server Properties in Aqua Data Studio:
With scripts in the Scripts Tab of a Server, you can :
Edit Shell Scripts in Server Properties in Aqua Data Studio:
With scripts in the FluidShell Tab of a Server, you can :
AquaClusters 안내 프라이버시보호 정책 지원 Version - 19.0.2-4 AquaFold, Inc Copyright © 2007-2017