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Example: Search smith, will return results smith and adamsmith
Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
Visual Analytics offers you various ways you can show/hide data labels in the chart view.
You can turn labels on and off for the entire chart view from the Visual Analytics toolbar (). For example, turning on this icon displays values for both the tax amount and freight in the chart view. Here, you will notice the Show Data Labels check box for All accordion is in the selected state.
You can turn labels on and off for each measure field individually (). In the following example, we have a chart view with the tax amount and the freight cost for various product categories based on the order date, in months. To see the values only for the tax amount, select the Tax Amount accordion, and then select the Show Data Labels check box from the Labels Deck. Visual Analytics displays labels only for the tax amount and not the freight cost.
Here, you will notice the Show Data Labels check box for All accordion is in the mixed state indicating it is set for some measures, but not all measures in use.
To show/hide data labels for a single measure from the chart accordion
You can turn labels on and off for a measure placed in the columns/rows deck, by right-clicking the measure and pointing at Label and then turning on and off additional label options. For example, right-click Profits in Rows Deck > point to Labels > turn on Show Measure Values. Visual Analytics displays profit values of product categories for different territories.
Note: This section is applicable only to Area, Line, Gauge and Shape charts.
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