Encontre problemas com facilidade buscando: Nº <ID do problema>
Exemplo: nº 1832
Encontre membros facilmente buscando em: <nome do usuário>, <nome> e <sobrenome>.
Exemplo: a busca por smith retornará os resultados smith e adamsmith
Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
Aqua Data Studio 12.0 now includes full support for Subversion 1.7 servers and local repositories. The integrated SVNKit library has been upgraded to version 1.7, and all functional operations for Subversion 1.7 have been implemented. Users may now checkout and create local repositories in any version format needed, and are able to work with different local repository versions. The default version for newly created repositories is version 1.7, but this value may be changed in File->Options->Version Control.
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