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Example: Search smith, will return results smith and adamsmith
This index / glossary / quick-reference lists many of the important topics covered in the text. Terms are arranged in approximate ASCII sorting order, modified as necessary for enhanced clarity.
Note that commands are indexed in Part 4.
< stdin
<<< Here string
<> Opening a file for both reading and writing
Integer comparison, within double parentheses
> Redirect stdout to a file
>> Redirect stdout to a file, but append
i>&j Redirect file descriptor i to file descriptor j
>&j Redirect stdout to file descriptor j
>&2 Redirect stdout of a command to stderr
2>&1 Redirect stderr to stdout
&> Redirect both stdout and stderr of a command to a file
:> file Truncate file to zero length
| Pipe, a device for passing the output of a command to another command or to the shell
or stdoutPrefix to long command options
C-style variable decrement within double parenthesesRequired when ...
do keyword is on the first line of loop
;;& ;& Terminators in a case option (version 4+ of Bash).
! Negation operator, inverts exit status of a test or command
// Double forward slash, behavior of cd command toward
' ... ' (single quotes) strong quoting
" ... " (double quotes) weak quoting
[ Left bracket, test construct
[ ]Brackets
[[ ... ]] Double brackets, extended test construct
$ Anchor, in a Regular Expression
$( ... ) Command substitution, setting a variable with output of a command, using parentheses notation
` ... ` Command substitution, using backquotes notation
$[ ... ] Integer expansion (deprecated)
${ ... } Variable manipulation / evaluation
${parameter?err_msg} Parameter-unset message
Final positional parameter. (This is an indirect reference to $#.)
Match names of all previously declared variables beginning with varprefix
$' ... ' String expansion, using escaped characters.
\ Escape the character following
# Hashmark, special symbol beginning a script comment
#! Sha-bang, special string starting a shell script
Shell Variables
$_ Last argument to previous command
$- Flags passed to script, using set
$! Process ID of last background job
$@ All the positional parameters, as separate words
$* All the positional parameters, as a single word
$$ Process ID of the script
$# Number of arguments passed to a function, or to the script itself
$1 First argument passed to script
$9 Ninth argument passed to script
Table of shell variables
-a Logical AND compound comparison test
Address database, script example
Advanced Bash Scripting Guide, where to download
Angle brackets, escaped, \< . . . \> word boundary in a Regular Expression
Anonymous here document, using :
+= -= *= /= %=
In certain contexts, += can also function as a string concatenation operator.
Arrow keys, detecting
awk field-oriented text processing language
Backlight, setting the brightness
Backquotes, used in command substitution
Base conversion, example script
Basic commands, external
Batch files, DOS
bc, calculator utility
Bison utility
Script example: redirecting output of a a code block
Bootable flash drives, creating
Brackets, [ ]
Brackets, curly, {}, used in
break loop control command
Builtins in Bash
cat, concatentate file(s)
Colon, : , equivalent to the true Bash builtin
Comma operator, linking commands or operations
command_not_found_handle () builtin error-handling function (version 4+ of Bash)
Comment headers, special purpose
Commenting out blocks of code
Compound comparison operators
continue loop control command
cron, scheduling daemon
C-style syntax , for handling variables
Curly brackets {}
* * *
Daemons, in UNIX-type OS
dc, calculator utility
dd, data duplicator command
Decimal number, Bash interprets numbers as
declare builtin
case-modification options (version 4+ of Bash)
/dev directory
dialog, utility for generating dialog boxes in a script
$DIRSTACK directory stack
Disabled commands, in restricted shells
do keyword, begins execution of commands within a loop
done keyword, terminates a loop
DOS batch files, converting to shell scripts
DOS commands, UNIX equivalents of (table)
dot files, "hidden" setup and configuration files
Double brackets [[ ... ]] test construct
Double parentheses (( ... )) arithmetic expansion/evaluation construct
Double quotes " ... " weak quoting
Double-spacing a text file, using sed
-e File exists test
elif, Contraction of else and if
Encrypting files, using openssl
esac, keyword terminating case construct
-eq , is-equal-to integer comparison test
Eratosthenes, Sieve of, algorithm for generating prime numbers
Escaped characters, special meanings of
/etc/fstab (filesystem mount) file
/etc/passwd (user account) file
$EUID, Effective user ID
eval, Combine and evaluate expression(s), with variable expansion
Evaluation of octal/hex constants within [[ ... ]]
exec command, using in redirection
Exit and Exit status
Pipe exit status
Specified by a function return
Successful, 0
/usr/include/sysexits.h, system file listing C/C++ standard exit codes
Export, to make available variables to child processes
expr, Expression evaluator
factor, decomposes an integer into its prime factors
false, returns unsuccessful (1) exit status
Field, a group of characters that comprises an item of data
n<&- Close input file descriptor n
0<-, <&- Close stdin
n>&- Close output file descriptor n
1>&-, >&- Close stdoutFloating point numbers, Bash does not recognize
fold, a filter to wrap lines of text
Forking a child process
Games and amusements
getopt, external command for parsing script command-line arguments
getopts, Bash builtin for parsing script command-line arguments
Global variable
Globbing, filename expansion
Golden Ratio (Phi)
-ge , greater-than or equal integer comparison test
-gt , greater-than integer comparison test
groff, text markup and formatting language
$GROUPS, Groups user belongs to
zip, compression utility
Hashing, creating lookup keys in a table
head, echo
to stdout
lines at the beginning of a text file
help, gives usage summary of a Bash builtin
Commenting out blocks of code
Self-documenting scripts
! as a limit string
Closing limit string may not be indented
$HOME, user's home directory
$HOSTNAME, system host name
$Id parameter, in rcs (Revision Control System)
if [ condition ]; then ... test construct
Fixup for if-grep test
$IFS, Internal field separator variable
in, keyword preceding [list] in a for loop
Initialization table, /etc/inittab
Inline group, i.e., code block
Interactive script, test for
Indirect referencing of variables
iptables, packet filtering and firewall utility
Job IDs, table
jot, Emit a sequence of integers. Equivalent to seq.
kill, terminate a process by process ID
killall, terminate a process by name
killall script in /etc/rc.d/init.d
lastpipe shell option
-le , less-than or equal integer comparison test
let, setting and carrying out arithmetic operations on variables
C-style increment and decrement operators
Limit string, in a here document
$LINENO, variable indicating the line number where it appears in a script
Link, file (using ln
Logical operators (&&, ||, etc.)
Logout file, the ~/.bash_logout file
Loopback device, mounting a file on a block device
for arg in [list]; do
Command substitution to generate [list]
Multiple parameters in each [list] element
Omitting [list], defaults to positional parameters
while [ condition ]; do
Function call inside test brackets
Multiple conditions
Omitting test brackets
while read construct
Loopback devices
-lt , less-than integer comparison test
m4, macro processing language
$MACHTYPE, Machine type
Magic number, marker at the head of a file indicating the file type
Makefile, file containing the list of dependencies used by make command
man, manual page (lookup)
Man page editor (script)
mapfile builtin, loads an array with a text file
Morse code training script
Modulo, arithmetic remainder operator
Mortgage calculations, example script
-n String not null test
Named pipe, a temporary FIFO buffer
nc, netcat, a network toolkit for TCP and UDP ports
-ne, not-equal-to integer comparison test
Negation operator, !, reverses the sense of a test
netstat, Network statistics
nl, a filter to number lines of text
Noclobber, -C option to Bash to prevent overwriting of files
null variable assignment, avoiding
-o Logical OR compound comparison test
octal, base-8 numbers
od, octal dump
$OLDPWD Previous working directory
openssl encryption utility
Options, passed to shell or script on command line or by set command
Parent / child process problem, a child process cannot export variables to a parent process
$PATH, the path (location of system binaries)
Pathname, a filename that incorporates the complete path of a given file.
Perl, programming language
Perquackey-type anagramming game (Quackey script)
PID, Process ID, an identification number assigned to a running process.
Pipe, | , a device for passing the output of a command to another command or to the shell
= and -eq not interchangeable
Portability issues in shell scripting
POSIX, Portable Operating System Interface / UNIX
$PPID, process ID of parent process
Precedence, operator
Prepending lines at head of a file, script example
Prime numbers
printf, formatted print command
/proc directory
Programmable completion (tab expansion)
Pseudo-code, as problem-solving method
$PWD, Current working directory
Quackey, a Perquackey-type anagramming game (script)
Question mark, ?
read, set value of a variable from stdin
readline library
[: :] POSIX character classes
$REPLY, Default value associated with read command
Restricted shell, shell (or script) with certain commands disabled
return, command that terminates a function
Scope of a variable, definition
Script options, set at command line
Scripting routines, library of useful definitions and functions
Secondary prompt, $PS2
sed, pattern-based programming language
select, construct for menu building
Semicolon required, when do keyword is on first line of loop
seq, Emit a sequence of integers. Equivalent to jot.
set, Change value of internal script variables
Shell script, definition of
Shell wrapper, script embedding a command or utility
shift, reassigning positional parameters
$SHLVL, shell level, depth to which the shell (or script) is nested
shopt, change shell options
Signal, a message sent to a process
Single quotes (' ... ') strong quoting
Socket, a communication node associated with an I/O port
source, execute a script or, within a script, import a file
Spam, dealing with
Standard Deviation, example script
Startup files, Bash
Stopwatch, example script
Strong quoting ' ... '
Stylesheet for writing scripts
scope limited, but ...
... can be accessed outside the subshell?
su Substitute user, log on as a different user or as root
suid (set user id) file flag
Table lookup, script example
tail, echo
to stdout
lines at the (tail) end of a text file
tar, archiving utility
tee, redirect to a file output of command(s) partway through a pipe
test command
Test operators
Timed input
Tips and hints for Bash scripts
Using anonymous here documents
Using if-then constructs
$TMOUT, Timeout interval
Token, a symbol that may expand to a keyword or command
tput, terminal-control command
tr, character translation filter
Trap, specifying an action upon receipt of a signal
Trinary (ternary) operator, C-style, var>10?88:99
true, returns successful (0) exit status
typeset builtin
$UID, User ID number
uname, output system information
Unicode, encoding standard for representing letters and symbols
uniq, filter to remove duplicate lines from a sorted file
unset, delete a shell variable
until loop
until [ condition-is-true ]; do
eval variable1=\$$variable2
wait, suspend script execution
Weak quoting " ... "
while loop
while [ condition ]; do
Whitespace, spaces, tabs, and newline characters
who, information about logged on users
Wild card characters
Word splitting
Wrapper, shell
xargs, Filter for grouping arguments
Zombie, a process that has terminated, but not yet been killed by its parent
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