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Chromebook Development Environment / pmascard |
...I wanted to build a development environment on my Chromebook?
I'll admit that I like Google Chromebooks. I have three of them. The last of my purchases was the lovely HP Chromebook 11 because it was cheap, light, small, had a great screen and easy keyboard. I wanted something to use on the train, at my work desk and at home. I have a great mobile package that enables me to tether and this is all I thought I needed.
The only problem, I discovered, was that with a fully loaded commuter train with every passenger carrying a smart device of some description, each connecting to the internet for push notifications as well as the more deliberately connected users, the contention for bandwidth is high. It's better in the morning, almost possible to stream a television programme, but this same feat is next to impossible in the evening.
I wanted to work on my web development ideas and skills and had toyed with the cloud based tools ans IDEs connected to a hosting account. All things were possible, but I was less certain of the connection than at the time I decided to use the Chromebook and it meant dabbling on an open to the world site.
Impressed by the Pixel, but puzzled by it's power, I came across Linus himself on Google+ stating he liked the Chromebook and that he had managed to get it running a version of Linux. This has had me hooked and regularly checking to see when it became more accessible to the tech savvy but Linux novice.
I am also the owner of a lovely little iPad mini with retina display. Combined with a folio keyboard, this is also a formidable device for train commuting, especially with the great Office apps and the ability to download the weeks television programmes to catch up on.
So, I wanted to work on some web development on the train but was frustrated by poor bandwidth and concern about working on a open to the world site. What did I need? Something akin to a WAMP, MAMP or LAMP environment. I have a large powerful PC laptop but it was too big to use on the train. I could by a Macbook Pro or Air but why spend the money if I could find another way.
I needed an iPad Web Server App or a Chromebook extension. Surely some enterprising young IT wizard had created something, but apparently not. Then I found crouton.
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