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Aqua Data Server (Public) / nhilam |
Download MySQL 5.1+, GA (Generally Available) OS X installer from http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/. The installer is provided on a disk image (.dmg
) that includes the main MySQL installation package, the MySQLStartupItem.pkg
installation package, and the MySQL.prefPane
. Double-click the disk image to open it.
It will be named according to the version of MySQL you have downloaded. For example, if you have downloaded MySQL 5.1.53, double-click mysql-5.1.53-osx10.6-x86.tar.gz.
You will be presented with the opening installer dialog. Click Continue to begin installation.
A copy of the installation instructions and other important information relevant to this installation are displayed. Click Continue .
Choose the drive you want to use to install the MySQL Startup Item. The drive must have a valid, bootable, Mac OS X operating system installed. Click Continue.
You will be asked to confirm the details of the installation, including the space required for the installation. To change the drive on which the startup item is installed, click either Go Back or Change Install Location....
To install the startup item, click Install.
To install the OS X MySQL Preference Pane:
1. Download and open the MySQL package installer package, which is provided on a disk image (.dmg) that includes the main MySQL installation package, the MySQLStartupItem.pkg installation package, and the MySQL.prefPane. Double-click the disk image to open it.
2. Double-click the MySQL.prefPane. The MySQL System Preferences will open.
3. If this is the first time you have installed the preference pane, you will be asked to confirm installation and whether you want to install the preference pane for all users, or only the current user. To install the preference pane for all users you will need administrator privileges. If necessary, you will be prompted for the username and password for a user with administrator privileges.
4. If you already have the MySQL Preference Pane installed, you will be asked to confirm whether you want to overwrite the existing MySQL Preference Pane.
Some users may experience issues when launching from the Preferance Pane, as discussed here http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=53232
Below displays the preference pane for MySQL which indicates it will start when the system is started.
You need to tell MySQL which IP address to bind to (to listen on) if the database is on a different computer than the Aqua Data Server Installation. This should be the IP address of the machine that MySQL is installed on. This IP address is also specified in the aquadataserver.properties file as described in step 3 of the Aqua Data Server OS X Installation process. If a preexisting modified MySQL installation is used, edit my.cnf to indicate the bind-address to point it to the IP address of the MySQL installation. If no /etc/my.cnf exists, create it and enter the bind-address line. See this link http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/option-files.html for information on the location of MySQL configuration files and the order that MySQL reads configuration information. Below we used the Terminal.app to run the Nano text editor to edit/create the etc/my.cnf file.
nano /etc/my.cnf <press enter>
an example for this is:
After editing the /etc/my.cnf, stop, then start MySQL so that it picks up the configuration in this file.
Before connecting to MySQL you will need to GRANT access to your user and machine. Because the MySQL JDBC driver uses TCP/IP sockets instead of Unix Domain Sockets, the security manager in MySQL server will use the HOSTS table to determine whether or not the connection should be allowed. To grant your user access use this syntax: "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON [dbname].* to ’[user]’@’[hostname]’ identified by ’[password]’" to generate and execute an SQL command.
mysql -u root -p <enter the mysql root password and press enter>
-mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES on *.* to `root`@'%' identified by '(type in the root password)' with grant option;<press enter>
-mysql> exit;<press enter>
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