Easily find issues by searching: #<Issue ID>
Example: #1832
Easily find members by searching in: <username>, <first name> and <last name>.
Example: Search smith, will return results smith and adamsmith
Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
Click here for a diagram of the toolbar button functions Toolbar Functionality - The toolbar allows you create a new Query, open scripts, save scripts, save results, copy content, cut content, paste content, undo, redo, find, find and replace, change case, parse, execute, execute current, execute edit, execute explain, stop execution, autocommit, commit, rollback, reconnect, enable autocompletion, refresh the auto schema, run a parameterized script and set the maximum results displayed. You can quickly change the database you are analyzing in the dropdown menu above the edit window.
Scripts and SQL Statement separation
Separate your statements with "GO" or "/" - To correctly use all of Query Analyzer’s functionality you need to separate your SQL Statements. This allows Aqua Data Studio to quickly identify which statement you are working on so that it may intelligently provide Auto-Completion, Describe, SQL Template, and Execute as a script on the current statement. If you do not do this you might get the impression that Aqua Data Studio doesn’t work. Check out #2 and #3. |
The Query Analyzer provides auto-completion popups for tables, views, synonyms and their columns. It determines when to popup tables or columns according to the cursor position in the SQL statement at the time of popup. Although the query window will intelligently decide when to popup options, you may activate the auto-completion feature with the CTRL-SPACE hot key. Abbreviation Support - User-defined abbreviations, created within the SQL Editor Options, function as customizable autocompletion strings. With a few keystrokes an entire block of SQL commands can be inserted. There are a selection of key combinations to trigger the expansion of an abbreviation. Abbreviations are set within File->Options->Editors->SQL Editor->Abbreviations. |
Encoding SQL Scripts & Query Results
ADS supports SQL Scripts encoded in different encoding formats. When opening an SQL Script select the ’File Type’ with the appropriate encoding. ADS also supports the saving of resultsets into different encoding types.
Unicode/Charactersets -ADS supports Unicode and International charactersets, but you must make sure you are using the international JRE and that ADS is using a font which supports the characterset you are using. The bundled JRE which comes with ADS is the International version, but if you are using your own you must make sure it supports International charactersets. The default font used by ADS does not support all charactersets, so if you need support for Japanese, Chinese and other languages you may need to change your font by selecting File-Options->General->Appearance and select an appropriate font. |
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