Easily find issues by searching: #<Issue ID>
Example: #1832
Easily find members by searching in: <username>, <first name> and <last name>.
Example: Search smith, will return results smith and adamsmith
Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
There are four methods of creating a table entity in the ER Modeler. Notes are not included in scripts ER Models are scripted to DDL, they are purely for use in ER Models. 1. Right clicking within a sheet and choosing New Note from the menu. This puts a new note where the click occurs. The Table Properties window appears to enter the table information. The table columns and properties vary based on the database vendor and version selected when the ER model document was created.
Notes may be created by 1. Right clicking on the Notes node within the Model Browser and selecting New Note. 2. Left clicking the Note Entity icon in the Palette on the right and left clicking within a sheet. 3. Right clicking within a sheet and selecting New Note from the menu. 4. Selecting Edit > New Note from the Menu Bar.
The resulting note can be edited by double clicking it, which brings up the Note window. Notes can be positioned like the other entities, but do not play a role in schemas, relationships or views. They contain only text. A new region can be created by: 1. Right clicking within a sheet and selecting New Region from the menu. 2. Selecting Edit > New Region from the Menu Bar. 3. Clicking the Region Entity within the Palette on the right. The resulting Region can be given a name and color by double clicking on it, or right clicking it and selecting properties.
Items moved into a region move as a group with the region when it is moved.
NOTE: Regions do not appear in the Model Browser. Regions are editable only on the sheet they were created on. |
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