Easily find issues by searching: #<Issue ID>
Example: #1832
Easily find members by searching in: <username>, <first name> and <last name>.
Example: Search smith, will return results smith and adamsmith
Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
Query Builder Workspace Diagram | |
(click here for a keymapping list for the Query Builder) | |
1. | Creates a new Query Builder Document. |
2. | Shortcut Toolbar with Shortcut icon (Orders Table): Shortcut Toolbar is an area for adding Table Entity shortcuts. Once a Shortcut is added here, left clicking it creates a Table Entity with that object's initial properties.
The table shortcut toolbar is a very useful item for people who wish to query the same tables often. You can simply right-click on a table object and select the [add shortcut to toolbar] to add that table's shortcut to the toolbar. Once you have a table shortcut you may right click on that shortcut and change the shortcut properties. For example: if you create many queries on the same tables and wish to always start with them, you could change the properties of their shortcut [Key Binding] to "U" and check the "Clear tables before adding" checkbox. Every time you type U, your current query will be cleared and you will be starting with a new query. The shortcut toolbar settings are saved even when Query Builder is closed, so your table shortcut toolbar will still have the quick table reference when you re-open the Query Builder. |
3. | Opens an existing Query Builder Document. Loads an existing Query Builder Document (.xqb file) into the Query Builder. If the current database connection of the Query Builder is not that of the document, Query Builder will load the connection information from the document. This is the only method to change database connections in the Query Builder without reloading the Query Builder. |
4. | Saves the current Query Builder Document. After creating a query you may save it as an .xqb file. The file contains local refrence pointer information used by Query Builder to discover database and schema information, but does not actually save any database specific information. So, if you wish to save an .xqb file and reload it on a diffrent computer you will need to make sure that the local reference pointer information is correct. You may do this by opening the file in a text editor and checking it. If you only wish to save the sql statement you may "Save sql as". This will save the sql statement of the object to an .sql file in a text format. You cannot load a .sql file into the Query Builder. Save Results: You may also save the result set of the query to file in many diffrent very useful formats. The encoding and platform can be specified or left as default to the current machine but may also be changed if you plan on sending the file to be used by someone in a different country or operating system. The results type can be of the following: Grid Results, Pivot Grid Results, Text Results, Client Statististics or Explain Plan; with the following data formats: HTML, Excel, XML, Insert or Delimited
Explain Plan does not currently process anything within the Query Builder. |
5. | Save As: Saves the current Query Builder Document with options to relocate, rename and change file type. |
6. | Save SQL as: Saves the current Query Builder Document as an SQL text file. |
7. | Execute: Runs the SQL statement as created within the SQL pane. |
8. | Execute Edit: Runs the SQL statement as created within the SQL pane and returns an editable SQL data grid (the Table Data Editor). |
9. | Cancel: Will stop an executing sql thread at its current point |
10. | Group By: Adds/Removes Group By column in the Columns Pane The Group By column allows the user to give grouping information for columns or to apply data aggregate functions to a column. Data Aggregate functions compute, from a group of rows, a single value for a designated column or expression. This provides the capability to aggregate data, thereby enabling you to perform statistical calculations across many rows with one SQL statement. |
11. | Add Table: Opens the add table dialog. |
12. | Show Diagram Pane: Shows/Hides the Diagram Pane. |
13. | Show Columns Pane: Shows/Hides the Columns Pane. |
14. | Show SQL Pane: Shows/Hides the SQL Pane. |
15. | Show Results Pane: Shows/Hides the Results Pane. |
16. | Show Datatypes: Shows/Hides Datatypes within the Columns Pane. |
17. | Show Indexes: Shows/Hides the Indexes column in the Columns Pane.
The indexes pane holds the information on all the indexes that are associated to the tables associated to the query being built. On the left side you have the indexes name and parent table with its properties. On the right side you have the columns and sequence to which the index is created. Indexes are only used when an index's field with leftmost prefix of an index is in the where clause. example: When scrolling through the indexes, in the columns pane you will see the index and index seq fill with corresponding values. This will help you visualize the sequence of the index to make sure you are taking advantage of the indexes on tables when creating criteria. |
18. | Filters: Allows selection of Filters (Quote Identifiers, Fully Qualified Tables, Database Qualified Tables, Auto Join on Foreign Key)
19. | Reconnects to the current database connection if it times out. Databases can be set up to disconnect idle sessions after an alotted amount of time or the network connection may be lost. This button provides a fast and easy way to attempt to re-establish your connection to the database if you lose your connection for any reason. |
20. | Database: List of Databases on the current Database Server. If "Add New Table" is clicked, the database in this drop-down will be used. It allows the user to change the context of the database, so that the user may select tables and views from different databases. |
21. | Connection Information: Displays information on the current database connection. |
22. | Table Entity: When Tables are added to the Query Builder, they appear as Table Entities showing their column information. |
23. | Max Results: Sets the total number of results displayed from an executed query. |
24. | JOIN icon: Indicates the "=" type of JOIN. |
25. | JOIN icon indicating all rows from table "Order Details" selected: This "=" JOIN icon indicates a RIGHT OUTER JOIN. |
26. | The darker shading on the JOIN indicator highlights it to show that it is currently selected, providing different menu items when right clicked than if it had not been selected. |
27. |
Columns Pane: Displays column information on the tables visible in the Diagram Pane. The column pane is where most of your clauses are created. When you check fields off in the visual tables they will be placed into rows in the column pane. Here you will be able to work with the fields in the query to modify your select statement, where clause, group by clause and order by clause. |
28. | SQL Pane: Displays the formatted SQL of the queries, (read-only text), created by the diagram in the Diagram Pane |
29. | Indexes Pane (Index Assistant): Shows Index information of the Table Entities from the Diagram Pane. |
30. | Indexes Pane (Index Assistant - ProductID Index Column Selected): Displays Index of ProductID, with it selected, currently ProductID is listed as sequence 1. |
31. | Grid Results: This tab displays the results in grid form. Within the Grid Results, charts can be created from the resulting data. |
32. | Pivot Grid: This tab allows creation of Pivot Grids from the results generated by the script in the SQL Pane. Within the Pivot Grid tab charts of the resulting data can be created. |
33. | Messages: This tab displays any messages, warnings or errors that appear during query execution. |
34. | Results Pane: When a query is executed, the results of the query are diplayed here as Grid or Pivot Grid Results with chart creation capability. |
35. | Results Pane Quick Filter: Following a query execution, the results can be quick filtered to display specific results. The Quick Filter displays results immediately as terms are typed without having to refresh the data. |
Query Builder Menus Reference
Menu :File ::New Ctrl+N :::Create a new query object ::Open Ctrl+O :::Open an existing query object ::Save Ctrl+S :::Save current query object ::Save As Ctrl+Shift+S :::Save current query object to a file name ::Save SQL As Ctrl+Alt+S :::Saves the sql of the query object to a file ::Save Results As Ctrl+R :::Saves the result set object to a file ::Close Alt+F4 :::Closes query builder :Edit ::Copy SQL :::Copies the query builder sql statement to the clipboard memory :Query ::Execute Ctrl+E :::Runs the sql statement ::Execute Edit Ctrl+Alt+Enter :::Runs the sql statement returning an editable sql object data grid ::Cancel Ctrl+Alt+Backspace :::Will stop executing a sql thread at its current point Group By Ctrl+G :::Adds/Removes [group by] column in the Columns Pane Add Table Insert :::Opens the add table window :Window ::Diagram Pane Ctrl+Alt+F9 :::Open/Close [Diagram Pane] window ::Columns Pane Ctrl+Alt+F10 :::Open/Close [Columns Pane] window ::SQL Pane Ctrl+Alt+F11 :::Open/Close [SQL Pane] window ::Results Pane Ctrl+Alt+F12 :::Open/Close [Results Pane] window ::Next Pane Alt+Right :::Set focus to the next available pane ::Previous Pane Alt+Left :::Set focus to the previous available pane ::Next Index Alt+Page Up :::Moves to the next index in the index list ::Previous Index Alt+Page Down :::Moves to the previous index in the index list ::Show Datatype :::Add/Remove datatype to [Columns Pane] ::Show Indexes :::Add/Remove index to [Columns Pane] ::Show Table Shortcuts Toolbar :::Show/Hide the table shortcut toolbar ::Clear Column Criteria Ctrl+Alt+K :::Removes all column criteria from sql object ::Quick Criteria Mode :::Enabled/Disables Operator column for simple criteria selection ::Limit Add Table to User Schema :::Limits the tables available to the current schema Toolbar :Filters ::Quote Identifiers :::Places database specific identifiers around objects in the sql statement ::Fully Qualified Tables :::Places Schema names before tables to insure table identity ::Database Qualified Tables :::Places Database names in front of schema names to insure table identity ::Auto Join on Foreign Key :::Automatically creates joins on tables with foreign key association :Reconnect ::Re-establishes a connection with the database :Database: ::List of databases available to the user the connection was established with :Max Results ::Numeric value that limits the result set Table Toolbar :Hold table names used for quick addition of tables to the query :RightClickMouseMenu over quickreference table name ::Move left :::Moves the quick reference to the left one spot ::Move right :::Moves the quick reference to the right one spot ::Add selected to query :::Adds that table to the sql query ::Override query with selected :::Overrides sql object with new sql object with selected table ::Delete :::Removes quick link of selected table ::Properties :::Opens table quick link properties window Table Pane :RightClickMouseMenu over background ::Execute :::Runs the sql statement ::Add Table :::Opens the add table window ::Remove :::Removes the currently selected table from the sql object :Table ::RightClickMouseMenu over table :::Rename ::::Changes the table name to an alias in the sql object :::Select All Columns ::::Selects all of the columns in the table for output :::Unselect All Columns ::::Unselects all of the columns in the table from output :::Select Indexed Columns ::::Selects all indexed columns for output :::Select Leading Indexed Columns ::::Selects the leading indexed column for output :::Add Shortcut To toolbar ::::Adds a quick link to the table toolbar of selected table Columns Pane :RightClickMouseMenu over Row ::Insert :::Inserts a blank row object ::Delete :::Removes the highlighted Row of cells from sql Object ::Copy ::: ::Paste ::: ::Move Up :::Moves the selected row up 1 row in the selection sequence ::Move Down :::Moves the selected row down 1 row in the selection sequence ::Move Top :::Moves the selected row to the first column in the selection sequence ::Move Bottom :::Moves the selected row to the last column in the selection sequence :Column ::Table field names :Alias ::The alias given to the column to be displayed in the return set. :Table ::Parent table of the column field :DataType ::The type of data that is associated to the column :Output ::toggles wether or not the column data will be displayed in the result set :Sort Type :: Add an Ascending/Descending sort order to the column in the result set :Sort Order ::Numeric value used to sequence the ordered columns :Group By ::Offers a list of group by type expressions witch can be associated to the column :Index ::Shows active index from the index pane in the associated columns :Index Seq ::Displays the sequence of the index, sequence must be in ascending order to be used :Criteria: ::Criteria for the where clause in the sql object ::Or / Or / Or ::: Extra criteria Results Pane :Grid tab ::Sum ::A quick sum of the selected fields in the sql result set ::Search ::shrink displayed results by forcing results to have search criteria ::Charts ::Show/Hide Chart Pane ::RightClickMenu :::Save Results ::::Opens the Save Results Window :::Save Cell Value to File ::::Saves the cell value to a file :::Select All ::::highlights all cells and columns in the result set :::Results Compare ::::***N/A *** :::Copy ::::Copies selected row/columns into memory :::Copy w/ Headers ::::Copies selected row/columns into memory with the column names :::Copy w/ Row Count ::::Copies selected row/columns into memory with the row names :::Copy w/ Headers and Row Count ::::Copies selected row/columns into memory with row & column names :::Copy headers only ::::Copies selected row/rows column name into memory :::Copy All w/SQL ::::Copies sql statement & selected fields with row & column names :::Copy As... ::::Opens the copy to clipboard window with copy options :::View as text ::::***N/A *** :::View in ::::Attempts to open result set in chosen app :::Show/Hide Toolbar ::::Shows/Hides the result pane toolbar :Messages tab ::Contains any messages returned by the execute statement
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