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Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
JDBC Drivers - DB2 9.0 JDBC Driver
The DB2 JDBC drivers included with ADS work across all 8.x and 9.x versions of DB2. There is no need to change or update this driver.
You may locate the JDBC drivers for your installed version of DB2 in the DB2 server or DB2 client installations. Below is a directory listing of the driver files in the [DB2_INSTALL]\java directory. The db2java.zip file is the DB2 JDBC driver required by ADS. This is the file which you need to use to overwrite the db2java.jar file.
C:\Program Files\IBM\SQLLIB\java>dir |
To update the ADS JDBC drivers you need to overwrite the ADS db2java.jar (for DB2 7.2) and/or db2jcc.jar and db2jcc_license_cu.jar (for DB2 8.1) files. Below is a listing of the Aqua Data Studio library directory [ADS_HOME]\lib\drivers\ ...
C:\Program Files (x86)\Aqua Data Studio 8.0 - 32bit\lib\drivers>dir The Java class path for the drivers are already configured for ADS in the datastudio.ini for launching ADS with datastudio.exe and in datastudio.bat/.sh and datastudio-bundled.bat/.sh for launching ADS from the command line. The contents of the file are as follows ... C:\Program Files (x86)\Aqua Data Studio 8.0 - 32bit>type datastudio.ini C:\Program Files (x86)\Aqua Data Studio 8.0 - 32bit>type datastudio.bat
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