Easily find issues by searching: #<Issue ID>
Example: #1832
Easily find members by searching in: <username>, <first name> and <last name>.
Example: Search smith, will return results smith and adamsmith
Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
Launching the File Compare Tool To compare two files, either multi-select individual files in the Scripts Browser from mounted directories, or launch the File Compare Tool from Tools Menu (Tools->Compare->File Compare) and browse to them. If the File Compare Tool is launched from the Tools Menu, it is possible to choose files that are not listed in the Scripts Browser, but are available to the operating system. Filters to exclude files by file size, name, directory, or file extension can be selected before the comparison is run using the "Show Differences" button. The File Compare Tool keeps the last files selected when the application is restarted and the File Compare Tool is relaunched. When the comparison is being performed, and the two files are large enough, a status bar indicates its progress. Comparison Results Once the comparison is complete, it can be refreshed, allowing new changes to appear in the comparison results. It is also possible to select two new files for comparison by clicking the "Browse" buttons at the top of the comparison results without having to launch the Compare Tools Menu again. The File Compare Tool provides users a method of depicting differences in the content between two text-based files. The results of a comparison display as a split-pane with line numbering down the center and connecting splines for identifying where the deltions, changes and additions occur. Each file in a comparison takes up half of the comparison results window and each can be vertically scrolled independently of the other. At the top, between the two files above the line numbering, digits separated by a / indicate the change selected out of total number of changes discovered (i.e. 9/27). Differences are identified down to the character level, with background highlighting and text bolding as markers. When differences are found, their corresponding highlight colors appear in the annotation bar on the right side of the results and can be used to quickly navigate to them. If a marker in the annotation bar is used to navigate to a particular difference by left clicking, a tick mark overlay shows which difference currently has focus. Displays graphically which lines in the content have been deleted from, added to or have been changed in some way from the original.
File Compare Features
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