Provides manageability of logins, server roles, users and roles allowing the user to manage permissions, roles and security of the MySQL database.
Toolbar Operations -
Refresh : Will refresh all tabs in the security manager from the database Expand All: Expands all tree nodes in the tree tab Collapse All: Collapses all tree nodes in the tree tab Create Login: Create a new login Alter Login: Edit selected login Drop Login: Drop selected login Login Properties: View properties of selected login Alter Server Role: Edit selected server role Server Role Properties: View properties of selected server role Create User: Create a new user Alter User: Edit selected user Drop User: Drop selected user User Properties: View properties of selected user Create Role: Create a new role (group) Alter Role: Edit selected role Drop Role: Drop selected role Role Properties: View properties of selected role
Tree Tab- Provides a tree display of logins and server roles the MySQL database. Selecting an object in the tree structure will display a detailed view of the object