Easily find issues by searching: #<Issue ID>
Example: #1832
Easily find members by searching in: <username>, <first name> and <last name>.
Example: Search smith, will return results smith and adamsmith
Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
Open Terminal/Command Window - The first step is to open a Terminal/Command window.
Decompress/Unarchive Package - Next step is to decompress and unarchive the installation package. For Windows you need to open the package file with Winzip and decompress into a selected directory. For Linux you will need to enter the following commands in the terminal window. - Change the directory to the location of the downloaded file. >> cd /home/username/downloads - Uncompress the package. >> gzip -d adstudio.tar.gz - Unarchive the archive file >> tar -xvf adstudio.tar In OSX your package will automatically be decompressed by StuffIt, so you will only need to change into the correct directory. - Change the directory to the location of the downloaded file. >> cd ./Desktop/datastudio
Execute command/shell script - The final step is to execute the shell script or batch file. For Windows you may execute it by double clicking it in the windows explorer or executing it from the command window (e.g. >> datastudio.bat). For Linux or OSX you may execute the shell script by typing the command in the terminal window (e.g. >> ./datastudio.sh)
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