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Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
Launching from a terminal and using a preinstalled or custom Java Virtual Machine
Downloading the package - The first step is to download the package from http://www.aquafold.com/downloads.html
Unarchive the package - once the package is downloaded, extract it to a desired location. The package extracts to a directory named "datastudio"
If you've already installed a previous version of Aqua Data Studio, it is best to rename the old version.
It is possible to have a current version and an older version installed. The two cannot be run simultaneously.
Aqua Data Studio will automatically detect all of the settings of your previous installation, including the license information.
Aqua Data Studio extracts to a "datastudio" directory.
To launch Aqua Data Studio using the Java Virtual Machine bundled with the application, run the following
$ ./datastudio-bundled.sh
Launching from a terminal and using a preinstalled or custom Java Virtual Machine
To launch Aqua Data Studio using a preinstalled or custom Java Virtual Machine, run the following
$ ./datastudio.sh
Downloading the Linux package that does not contain a bundled Java Virtual Machine
There is a version of the linux package available on http://www.aquafold.com/downloads.html that does not contain a bunbled Java Virtual Machine. Installing this version is identical to the steps above.
To launch Aqua Data Studio using extracted NOVM version, run the following
$ ./datastudio.sh
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