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Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
Aqua Data Studio provides a Table Data Editor which allows a user to graphically edit the resultset of an executed query on a table, including its data and rows. The editable result set is displayed in an Excel like grid. To activate a table editor you must write a single-table SELECT statement and use the "Execute Edit" button. This will execute the query and return the resultset in a new Table Editor window. From this window a user may edit and save the contents of the resultset. The editor uses the primary key or any unique constraint to identify the row in the result which it will generate UPDATE statements for. If your resultset doesn’t have a primary key or unique constraint, you will be prompted to define a primary key in the primary key tab. A check mark indicates which column(s) participate in the primary key. There is an option within File->Options->Permissions to allow Primary Key Definition Changes. Table Data Editor Workspace Like the other tools of Aqua Data Studio, the Table Data Editor is part of the Application Docking Framework. The window for the Table Data Editor can remain open as other tools in Aqua Data Studio are used. The Table Data Editor's menus and icons resemble the Main Application Toolbar and much of its functionality for refreshing and reconnecting to database servers has been included At the top are the File, Edit and Window menus. Below are Toolbar icons for Refresh, Reconnect, Save and Refresh, Save and Close, Save, Stop, Add Row Above, Add Row Below, Clone Selected Row(s), Clear All Changes, Clear Selected Deleted Rows, Clear Changes in Selected Cells, Set Cells to Null, INSERT Current Date and Time, INSERT Current Date Only, Edit in Window, Close Window, Max Results and Quick Filter. Below the Toolbar Icons are the tabs for Table Data, Primary Key, Preview SQL and Messages. The layout of the data within the Table Data tab functions similar to a spreadsheet appliction, with the ability to insert rows and cells where desired via Find and Replace when needed. Most of the work done in the Table Data Editor occurs in the Table Data tab, which displays the data for the table(s) from the select statement used in the Execute Edit mentioned earlier. Row color and bolding assist in displaying recent changes and nulls in the data, and appear in the Table Data Editor modification logs (when enabled in File->Options->Table Editor->Modification Logs). Columns, however, must be added or removed from tables via context menus with right clicks in the Schema Browser or through the Query Analyzer by way of database commands. The Primary Key tab displays a list of all of the columns relating to the tables in the query used to launch the Table Data Editor via the Execute Edit command from the Query Analyzer. If more than one table was used in the query, a dialog appears to choose the primary keys and an additional Primary Key tab will display for each table with schema information in the tab title. The Preview SQL tab displays the DDL used to perform the edits made within the Table Data Editor with appropriate Syntax highlighting. The Messages tab displays any warnings or messages during table data modification. At the bottom of the Table Data Editor window are the Preview Panel (when enabled) and Status Bar. The Preview Panel creates a cell's preview in a split panel to allow the user to preview the currently selected value in the grid. This helps the user to easily see the full value, including long string values or CLOB values. The Status Bar contains Pattern information to show the data type and range of selected cells at the bottom left, and Total Rows of the table at bottom right .
Table Data Editor Features
Table Data Editor Enhancements
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