Easily find issues by searching: #<Issue ID>
Example: #1832
Easily find members by searching in: <username>, <first name> and <last name>.
Example: Search smith, will return results smith and adamsmith
Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
sqlimport | |
Imports data. | |
Syntax | |
sqlimport [OPTION ...] FILE TABLE |
Description | |
sqlimport imports data stored in FILE into TABLE. Data stored in FILE can be in one of these formats: Delimited or Fixed Width Columns; see -f option for details. If FILE is not specified, sqlimport will read data from the standard input. | |
Options | |
If both short form and long form are specified on the command line, the long form will take precedence. | |
-c, --charset CHARSET The character set for reading data; supported values are: 'UTF-8' and 'platform-default', defaults to 'UTF-8'. |
-CN, --column-names BOOLEAN Indicates whether the first row contains column names, defaults to 'true'. See BOOLEAN Values section below for supported BOOLEAN values. |
-CW, --column-widths COLUMN-WIDTHS A list of comma separated widths. This option applies when the 'fixed' data format is selected. |
-d, --database DATABASE The name of the database where TABLE is defined, defaults to the connected database. |
-DD, --delimiter DELIMITER The delimiter for separating data; default to ','. Use words 'tab', 'space' for setting tab character, space character, as delimiter respectively. |
-DS, --decimal-symbol SYMBOL Decimal symbol; defaults to '.'. |
-f, --format FORMAT The format of data stored in FILE; supported values are: 'csv', 'fixed', defaults to 'csv'. |
-II, --identity-insert BOOLEAN Enable or disable identity insert, defaults to 'false'. See BOOLEAN Values section below for supported BOOLEAN values. |
-l, --line-separator LINE-SEPARATOR The line separator; supported values are: 'unix', 'windows', defaults to platform's line separator. |
-NT, --null-text BOOLEAN Indicates if NULL value is represented as (null) text, defaults to 'true'. See BOOLEAN Values section below for supported BOOLEAN values. |
-PA, --datetime PATTERN Pattern for formatting date and time, defaults to 'yyyy/MM/dd:hh:mm:ss a'. |
-PD, --date PATTERN Pattern for formatting date, defaults to 'yyyy/MM/dd'. |
-PT, --time PATTERN Pattern for formatting time, defaults to 'hh:mm:ss a'. |
-s, --schema SCHEMA The name of the schema where TABLE is defined. |
-SQ, --string-quote IDENTIFIER String quoted identifier; supported values are: 'double-quote', 'single-quote, 'none', defaults to 'double-quote'. This option is applicable only in CSV mode. |
-TE, --tx-type TYPE The transaction method applied to executed statements; supported values are: 'Full', 'Batch', 'Threshold', 'Full' (default). |
-TS, --tx-batch-size BATCH-SIZE Number of statements per transaction when transaction type is set to 'Batch'; defaults to '500'. |
-TT, --tx-threshold THRESHOLD Time limit threshold per transaction, in milliseconds, when transaction type is set to 'Threshold'; defaults to '5000'. |
-TW, --tx-wait-time WAIT-TIME The amount of time to wait, in milliseconds, between transactions; disabled if negative value specified; default is disabled. |
The following options will take effect if data format is set to 'csv': | |
-DD, --delimiter DELIMITER The delimiter for separating data; default to ','. Use words 'tab', 'space' for setting tab character, space character, as delimiter respectively. |
The following options will take effect if data format is set to 'fixed': | |
-CW, --column-widths COLUMN-WIDTHS A list of comma separated widths. This option must be specified for 'fixed' data format. |
BOOLEAN VALUES: The followings are supported BOOLEAN values: 'true', 'false', 'yes', 'no', 'on', 'off', '1', '0'. |
Example | |
To import to the table with data in csv format, single quoted identifier and transaction type Threshold, use: \sqlimport -c 'UTF-8' -d 'NORTHWIND' -f 'csv' -l 'unix' -s 'dbo' -CN 'true' -DS '.' -II 'false' -NT 'true' -PA 'yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss a' -PD 'yyyy/MM/dd' -PT 'hh:mm:ss a' -SQ 'double-quote' -TE 'Threshold' -DD ',' Dataforimport.csv "MY_TABLE" |
See Also | |
sqlexport |
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