Easily find issues by searching: #<Issue ID>
Example: #1832
Easily find members by searching in: <username>, <first name> and <last name>.
Example: Search smith, will return results smith and adamsmith
Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
\ls | |
Lists directory contents. | |
Syntax | |
\ls [-1] [-a] [-d] [-l] [file(s)...] |
Description | |
This command lists directory contents. | |
Options | |
-1 (digit one) list one file per line. |
-a list all files, including system and hidden. |
-d list directory entries instead of contents. |
-l (lowercase L) use a long listing format. |
Examples | |
Display One File Per Line Using ls -1 \ls -1 |
Display All Information About Files/Directories Using ls -l \ls -l |
Display hidden files using -a option: \ls -a |
Display directory entries instead of contents, use the -d option \ls -d |
To display information of specific files \ls foo1.sql foo2.sql foo3.sql |
To combine ls with other commands use pipes \ls /etc | \more |
To redirect the output of ls to a file in the current directoy, use the command: \ls /etc >>listing.txt |
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