Easily find issues by searching: #<Issue ID>
Example: #1832
Easily find members by searching in: <username>, <first name> and <last name>.
Example: Search smith, will return results smith and adamsmith
Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
\sqlbuffer | |
Buffers SQL statements to memory. Once executed via / or \go, the buffer is cleared. | |
Syntax | |
\sqlbuffer [Option ...] |
Description | |
\sqlbuffer command works with the local shell's SQL buffer. The -l and -s options require that a file name be specified. On -s option, if file already exists, buffer is appended to file; if file doesnt exist, file is created and buffer is written to file. | |
Options | |
-c Clear the buffer |
-e Edit the buffer |
-l FILE Load the buffer contents from file. File name must be specified. |
-p Print the buffer contents to screen. |
-s FILE Save the buffer contents to file. File name must be specified. |
show Prints the buffer contents to screen. |
Example | |
To clear the SQL Buffer of all contents \sqlbuffer clear |
To edit the SQL Buffer contents \sqlbuffer edit |
To load a file into the SQL Buffer \sqlbuffer load sqlfile.txt |
To save the SQL Buffer contents to a file \sqlbuffer save sqlfile.tx |
To print the SQL Buffer contents to screen \sqlbuffer show |
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