Encontre problemas com facilidade buscando: Nº <ID do problema>
Exemplo: nº 1832
Encontre membros facilmente buscando em: <nome do usuário>, <nome> e <sobrenome>.
Exemplo: a busca por smith retornará os resultados smith e adamsmith
Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
scp fromFile username@hostname:~/toDirectoryFor example, if you want to copy a file named users.csv to a directory called Documents on a remote computer with IP with username aqua enter:
scp /tmp/fromFile username@hostname:/tmp/newFileNameFor example, if you want to copy a file named users.csv and rename it to data.csv enter:
scp /tmp/fromFile1 /tmp/fromFile2 username@hostname:/tmpFor example, if you want to copy all sql file with extension .sql to a remove directory enter:
scp /tmp/dirName username@hostname:/tmp/dirNameFor example, to copy a local directory named csv to a remote machine enter:
scp username@hostname:/tmp/fromFile /tmp/toDirectoryFor example, to copy a file from a remote host named data.log to the local machine under a folder named temp enter:
scp username@hostname:/tmp/fromDirectory/* /tmp/toDirectoryFor example: scp [email protected]:~/Documents/* temp/
scp -i IDENTITY_FILE fromFile username@hostname:~/toDirectoryFor example, if you want to copy a file named users.csv to a directory called Documents on a remote computer with identity file enter the below command. id_rsa is the so called private key when you generate a SSH key public/private key pair.
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