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Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
Heat Maps are an excellent way to compare data using color intensity and size. Both color intensity and size of the boxes indicate relative performance that helps you to spot trends or standouts in a single glance.
Download and connect to the sample data source. We are making this chart using 2 dimensions and 1 measure.
To build a Heat Map chart
By default, Visualization moves Profit to the Color Deck and displays the profit value of coffee brands in different color intensity. The size of the square is uniform because the Size Deck is empty. Now move Profit from the Measures pane to the Size Deck. Visual Analytics displays the profit value for coffee brands in different square sizes and color intensity. Also, when Visualization built this chart, it displayed both dimensions on the Y-axis. We have changed this display by moving Geography to the Columns Deck. Now, Coffee Brand is on the Y-axis, and Geography is on the X-axis.
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