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Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
Severity: High
When Will You See This Warning? An issue occurs when the data type range or the data type precision of the target column exceeds the source column. To resolve that issue, Schema Synchronization generates a data conversion function in the Configure Script tab. However, if you choose the Ignore issue option, Schema Synchronization generates the Arithmetic overflow will occur warning.
Impact on the Script: The deployment script might fail.
Severity: High
When Will You See This Warning? When index is not created on the cluster.
Impact on the Script: The deployment script might fail because Schema Synchronization will not alter object using the cluster.
Severity: High
When Will You See This Warning? When a column in the target table will be dropped.
Impact on the Script: Schema Synchronization will drop a column from the target table and data in that target column will be lost.
Severity: High
When Will You See This Warning? When the data type range or the data type precision of the target column exceeds the source column.
Impact on the Script: The deployment script might fail, or data in the target column might be lost.
Severity: Medium
When Will You See This Warning? When the target column name does not match the source column name.
Impact on the Script: Schema Synchronization will rename the target column to the source column.
Severity: High
When Will You See This Warning? When the data type of the target column cannot be converted to the data type of the source column and the source table contains a NOT NULL column.
Impact on the Script: Data in the target column will be lost.
Severity: High
When Will You See This Warning? When the data type of the target column is not compatible with the data type of the source column.
Impact on the Script: Data in the target column will be lost.
Severity: High
When Will You See This Warning? An issue occurs when the data type length of the target column exceeds the source column. To resolve that issue, Schema Synchronization generates a data conversion function in the Configure Script tab. However, if you choose the Ignore issue option, Schema Synchronization generates the Data will be truncated warning.
Impact on the Script: Data in the target column might be lost.
Severity: Low
When Will You See This Warning? When you specify a custom value for a NOT NULL column in the Configure Script tab.
Impact on the Script: Schema Synchronization will add the specified custom value in the deployment script and consider it as the default value for a NOT NULL column.
Severity: High
When Will You See This Warning? When the target server version does not support the referred object.
Impact on the Script: The deployment script will fail.
Severity: High
When Will You See This Warning? When the Table Rebuild process ignores the encrypted column.
Impact on the Script: Data from the target column will be lost.
Severity: Medium
When Will You See This Warning? When data in the target column is not compatible with the data type of the source column.
Impact on the Script: The deployment script might fail.
Severity: Low
When Will You See This Warning? When users must ensure the edition existing on the source server also exists on the target server.
Impact on the Script: If the edition does not exist on the target server, the deployment script will fail.
Severity: High
When Will You See This Warning? When the target table contains an encrypted column which cannot be altered by the Alter Statement as the encryption password is not set.
Impact on the Script: The deployment script will fail.
Severity: High
When Will You See This Warning? When users must ensure a remote object on the source server also exists at the location provided on the target server.
Impact on the Script: If the remote object does not exist on the target server, the deployment script will fail.
Severity: High
When Will You See This Warning? When users must ensure they have LBAC credentials to use security label with the column in the target table.
Severity: Medium
When Will You See This Warning? When it will not be possible to deploy changes to a type object containing table or type dependencies, such as; type object used as a column in another table or type object used by an object table or an object view.
Impact on the Script: The script will fail. We recommend investigating how your type object is used, before running the deployment script.
Severity: High
When Will You See This Warning? When the DEFAULT object is bound to a NOT NULL column in the source table and the column in the target table is NULLABLE.
Impact on the Script: The deployment script might fail if the target column contains NULL value.
Severity: High
When Will You See This Warning? When a non-standard filegroup in a table or index exists on the source server but not on the target server.
Impact on the Script: The deployment script will fail.
Severity: High
When Will You See This Warning? When a non-standard segment in a table exists on the source server but not on the target server.
Impact on the Script: The deployment script will fail
Severity: High
When Will You See This Warning? When a non-standard tablespace in a table exists on the source server but not on the target server.
Impact on the Script: The deployment script will fail.
Severity: High
When Will You See This Warning? When partitioning differs for both the target and the source schemas.
Impact on the Script: The deployment script will change the partition of the target table and rebuild the table.
Severity: High
When Will You See This Warning? When system partitioning is included in synchronization but the Oracle Server does not allow to change the system partitioning.
Warning Description and Impact:
Severity: Medium
Severity: High
When Will You See This Warning? You will see this warning in these scenarios:
Impact on the Script: The deployment script will fail.
Severity: High
When Will You See This Warning? When the clause of an object type is supported on the source server version but not on the target server version.
Impact on the Script:
Severity: High
When Will You See This Warning? When a clustered table is present in the source schema and an unclustered table in the target schema.
Schema Synchronization does not support cluster modification.
Impact on the Script: The script might fail. We recommend reviewing the script before executing it.
Severity: High
When Will You See This Warning?
Schema Synchronization does not support cluster modification.
Impact on both scenarios: The script might fail. We recommend reviewing the script before executing it.
Severity: High
When Will You See This Warning? When keywords are supported on the source server version but not on the target server version.
Impact on the Script:
Severity: High
When Will You See This Warning? When the definition of the cluster object for both the source and target schemas is different.
Schema Synchronization does not support cluster modification.
Impact on the Script: The script might fail. We recommend reviewing the script before executing it.
Severity: High
When Will You See This Warning? Aqua Data Studio does not support STATISTICS object, but the tables or views included for synchronization contain this object.
Impact on the Script: The DDL script will not be generated for the STATISTICS object.
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