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Version Control - CVS Before Aqua Data Studio's CVS client can be used, there must first be a remote CVS file repository for it to communicate with and a local mount created in the Files Browser for the local client repository. If there is no mount currently listed in the Files Browser, right clicking and choosing "Checkout Project" will generate a local mount to place the checkout in. For an explanation of how the Files Browser displays version control status, see the screenshot and discussion in the Files Browser page within the Workspace and Docking Framework section. In the Schema Browser, a mounted scripts directory can be a part of a remote source control repository. Right clicking on a mounted scripts directory allows configuring it for use in a version control repository beginning with step 3 in the "How to mount a Version Control repository" section below. How to mount a Version Control repository
How to update a Version Control file or repository Within the scripts pane, right click on a repository, directory or file and select Update. This will retrieve the latest version from the remote repository. How to add a file to Version Control Within the scripts pane, left click on a file, files or directory to select, then right click to select "Add". This will include the selection in the repository for versioning. How to delete a file in Version Control Within the scripts pane, left click on a file, files or directory to select, then right click and navigate to "Version Control" to select "Delete". This will delete the selection from the repository. Within the Repository Browser, right clicking on an item and selecting Delete functions the same way. How to revert a file in Version Control Within the scripts pane, left click on a file, files or directory to select, then right click and navigate to "Version Control" to select "Revert". This will revert the selection in the repository. How to Tag a version in Version Control To tag a a version, right click on an item the schema browser, and go to Version Control->Tag as Version. A dialog appears where to enter the version tag with an option to move the tag if that version already exists. How to Branch in Version Control Right clicking on the mount of a CVS repository in the Files Browser and choosing Branch opens a dialog for creating a Branch. The prompt asks for a Branch name. By default, the "Start Working in the Branch" option is enabled to immediately set the focus of the application in that branch. How to Merge in Version Control Merging is accomplished by right clicking on a branch and selecting its branch (end tag) and base (start tag). Once the two are selected and "OK" is pressed, the merge proceeds. There is an option to perform a "dry run" of the merge, which performs a merge without writing changes so that error messages can be taken care of before a true merge occurs. How to Show History in Version Control Within the scripts pane, left click on a file, files or directory to select, then right click and navigate to "Version Control" to select "Show History...". This will display the Version Control history of the selection in the repository. Within the Repository Browser, expanding the tree to select the file or directory you wish to view the history on, then left clicking it brings up its history in the History Table. The history displayed in the Repository Browser and the history displayed when selecting Version Control->Show History work similarly. Show History Dialog (window) Right clicking on a versioned item in the Files Browser gives direct access to show the history of that item. The resulting Show History dialog provides a list of all of the version control actions on a file or directory, and the revision's contained files. By default, the Show History Dialog only shows the most recent changes. If the "Show Complete History" option is enabled, all of the actions taken since the creation of the repository will be listed. Each action can be inspected in a table with columns for Revision, Author, Date, Changes and Comments. Two items in this history can be selected and compared. An item in the history can also be selected to open. The CVS Repository Browser is a convenient way to view all of the contents of a repository, even when no working copies have been mounted locally. The Browse Repository menu item invokes the browser, pointing to the repository root, showing a tree of HEAD, Branches, Versions and a history table of items in the repository. While the Repository Browser shows details on item history, it does not show the status of local working versions. It is more for exploring the remote repository and its contents than managing the local versions of files. To Launch the Repository Browser, right click on an item in the Files Browser and select Version Control -> Browse Repository. A window appears with the url to the repository in its title. An expandable tree view appears on the left and a history for the selected items in the tree appears on the right. The CVS Repository Browser points to the repository root when launched and offers an in-depth, explorable view of all of the files in a repository without requiring a local version of its content. The repository is displayed as a tree where action can be taken on individual items, or they can simply be viewed. The History table within the Repository Browser allows opening and comparing of individual items by way of a popup menu. Tree content is obtained with a background thread so that Aqua Data Studio’s other tools can be used while information from the repository is being retrieved. Right clicking within the repository browser launches (depending on the item selected) a menu with checkout, open and refresh menu options. Repository Browser History Table and popup menu The Repository Browser History contains much of the functionality of the Show History Dialog mentioned above. Clicking on items within the Repository Browser History Table brings up menu options for opening and comparing selections. The history content is obtained in a background thread, allowing Aqua Data Studio's other operations to continue uninterrupted. Additional CVS features
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