Automating - Inserting COLUMNS and Value Stubs with the Automate menu vastly reduces the amount of typing needed for more complex INSERT statements.
Below is an example of introducing an INSERT statement with Columns and Stubbed Values.
1. Connect to
the Server
2. Automate
Insert Statement
3. Select Table
4. Move the Cursor
5. Automate
Introduce Columns
6. Column Names
without typing
7. Move the Cursor
8. Introduce
Stubbed Values
9. Value Stubs
without typing
The SQL Automation features in Aqua Data Studio (the "Automate" pull down menu) is to cut down on the amount of keystrokes you make while writing SQL statements. Here is an example of how to automate the writing of basic INSERT statements with COLUMNS and value stubs.
1. Press CTRL+ALT+I
a. Introduce an INSERT template, INSERT INTO () VALUES()
b. Place the cursor at the INSERT INTO ^() VALUES() location
c. Popup a list of tables for auto-completion of the table name you want to INSERT data into
2. Type out the table you want and move the cursor to the column location, INSERT INTO MYTABLE(^) VALUES()
3. Press CTRL+ALT+C
a. Introduce all of the columns for the TABLE you have typed in a comma separated list in the order of definition
Automate INSERT Value Stubs
1. Press CTRL+ALT+I
a. Introduce an INSERT template, INSERT INTO () VALUES()
b. Place the cursor at the INSERT INTO ^() VALUES() location
c. Popup a list of tables for auto-completion of the table name you want to INSERT data into
2. Type out the table you want and move the cursor to the column location, INSERT INTO MYTABLE(^) VALUES()
3. Press CTRL+ALT+C
a. Introduce all of the columns for the TABLE you have typed in a comma separated list in the order of definition
4. Move cursor to the values definition location INSERT INTO MYTABLE(COLUMN1, COLUMN2, ...) VALUES(^)
5. Press CTRL+ALT+V
a. Introduce stubbed values for the columns of the table according to data type
6. At this point you have INSERT INTO MYTABLE(COLUMN1, COLUMN2, ...) VALUES(’’, 0, ...)