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Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
You can add a reference line, band, distribution or box and whisker plot to indicate specific values in your visualization. These overlays offer a quick and convenient way to compare multiple data points in a dataset against a central theme and to assess the impact of groups of data points in a single set.
Download and connect to the sample data source for Line, Band, Distribution, and Box Plot. In our sample data source, we have used the Bar chart as the base for adding the reference line, band, distribution or box and whisker plot. However, you can also use Line, Area, Shape, and Price charts as the base.
All aggregate calculations (except Total) are based on the data in the view as opposed to the underlying data, which means, the calculation is being performed on the chart's visible data points. For these calculations, the view data is binned according to the scope and then the aggregate function is applied. If the user has defined a field calculation, this calculation will be carried out prior to the reference aggregation function. It is treated exactly as view data. Total is not available for calculated functions whose aggregation is AGG().
Bands are a pair of linked reference lines and provide a range of values for comparison as opposed to a single line. It is often used to determine when a given measure value is exceeding an acceptable threshold. All values that you can use as the basis for reference lines are available for bands as well. You can add a reference band on any axis of a measure or continuous dimension.
All aggregate calculations (except Total) are based on the data in the view as opposed to the underlying data, which means, the calculation is being performed on the chart's visible data points. For these calculations, the view data is binned according to the scope and then the aggregate function is applied. If the user has defined a field calculation, this calculation will be carried out prior to the reference aggregation function. It is treated exactly as view data. Total is not available for calculated functions whose aggregation is AGG().
Custom labels allow using multiple label options together along with user specified text. In the Built-in Labels screenshot, we have used Average as the aggregated function for the reference line; however, in the chart view, when the value is displayed, it is difficult to understand the aggregation function in use. This is where custom labels come into the picture. In the Custom Labels screenshot, you can view the aggregated function with its value for the reference line. Custom Label support is available for Lines, Bands, and Distributions.
Built-in Labels | Custom Labels |
To create a custom label
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