Now provides a preview tab that displays the full SQL that is currently selected in the history list. This preview may be enabled/disabled on the toolbar.
Column size and window position are now saved and reloaded when application is restarted.
Date column is now formatted according to the locale.
Added columns "Server Name", "Tool name", "Start Date/Time ", "End Date/Time ", "Rows Affected" to the SQL History.
Columns are now sortable.
File>Options:[General:SQL History] Added SQL history options "maximum number of entries" and "maximum number of statements" to determine persistence values, even though values may be temporarily changed in the SQL History dialog.
Added to the toolbar a Quick Filter panel to filter the history
Added Alt-M hot key to focus on the Max History field, Alt-S to focus on the Max Statements per entry field, Alt-Q to focus on the Quick Filter field. Press "Escape" to regain focus on the table.
Added a "Diff" button to the toolbar. If a user selects two rows and clicks on this button, the application will open a Diff Tab for the two SQL Statements to compare them.
" Find" functionality for both the Grid list and Preview Panel
"Find": Find the first occurrence of the text in the grid values starting from the current position
" Find Next": Find the next occurrence of the last find
"Find Previous": Find the previous occurrence of the last find