Provides manageability of the Sybase databases, database devices, dump devices and caches, allowing a user to visualize and maintain storage.
Toolbar Operations -
Refresh : Will refresh all tabs in the storage manager from the database Expand All: Expands all tree nodes in the tree tab Collapse All: Collapses all tree nodes in the tree tab Create Database: Create a new database Alter Database : Edit the selected database Drop Database: Drop the selected database Database Properties: View properties of selected database DBCC: Run DBCC commands on selected database Move Log: Update statistics on selected database Checkpoint: Issue a checkpoint for selected database Set Online: Set selected database online/offline
Tree Tab - Hierarchical display of the databases and database devices.
Name: Name of the database or database device Type: Database device type (Data, Log or Data & Log) Status: Database status {ONLINE, OFFLINE, READ ONLY, SINGLE USER} Total Size: Total allocated space for the database/database device Unreserved: Unreserved space in the database/database device Total Reserved (Percent): Percentage of reserved space in the database Data Used: Space used in the database by data Index Used: Space used in the database by indexes Unused: Total available (unused) space in the database Log Used: Space used in the database by logs
Databases Tab - Provides a list of databases and detailed information on each database.
Name: Name of the database Status: Database status {ONLINE, OFFLINE, READ ONLY, SINGLE USER} Date Created: Date when the database has been created Total Size: Total allocated space for the database Unreserved: Unreserved space in the database Total Reserved (Percent): Percentage of reserved space in the database Data Used: Space used in the database by data Index Used: Space used in the database by indexes Unused: Total unused space in the database Log Used: Space used in the database by logs
Device Usages Tab - Provides a list of database devices used by databases and detailed information on their usage. Note: only database devices used by databases are listed
Device Name: Name of the device Database: Name of the database using this device Type: Database device type (Data, Log or Data & Log) Size: Total allocated space for the database device Unreserved: Unreserved space in the database device Reserved (Percent): Percentage of reserved space in the database device
Objects Tab - Provides a detailed information of Tables in Databases. Contains the usage of space which is helpful to the Users
Type = Table
Table Name: Name of the database object Table Schema: Owner of the Table Segment: Name of the segment containing the Table Type: Specifies whether Sytem or User Table Reserved: reports the amount of space that has been allocated to all the tables that have been created in the database Data: shows how much space has actually been used by data Indexes: shows how much space has actually been used by indexes Unused: shows the amount of space that has been reserved but not yet used by existing table Row Count: The number of rows in the table Lock Type: Indicates the type of Lock associated with the table Created Date: Date on which the table was created
Type = Index
Index Name: Name of the index object Index Schema: Owner of the Index Segment: Name of the segment where the index is contained Table Name: Name of the database object Clustered: Indicates whether the index is clustered or not Unique: Indicates whether the index is unique or not Row Count: Number of rows in the Index Reserved: Reports the amount of space that has been allocated to all the indexes that have been created in the database Data: Shows how much space has actually been used by data Indexes: Shows how much space has actually been used by indexes Unused: Shows the amount of space that has been reserved but not yet used by existing index Created On: Date on which the index was created
Database Devices Tab - Provides a list of database devices and detailed information on each database device.
Name: Name of the database device Size: Total allocated space for the database device Free: Total available (free) space in the database device Used (Percent): Percentage of used space in the database device Physical Name: Name of the corresponding physical device Device Number: Number allocated for the database device
Caches Tab - Provides a list of database caches and detailed information on each cache.
Cache Name: Name of the database cache Type: Mode of the cache (default, mixed, logonly) Status: Status of the cache (active, pending, deleted) Configured: Amount of memory initially configured for the cache Run Size: Current amount of memory in the cache Overhead: Memory used by the cache paramater