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Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
Patch update instructions are provided here for the Supported Versions of Aqua Data Studio. Contact Licensing
for information on unsupported versions.
Existing customers can access the Aqua Data Studio release and patch files for Supported Versions by logging into the
customer support portal.
View patch and update instructions for this Aqua Data Studio version:
Version 21.0.0
Upgrading from an earlier release:
Download the latest release and patch files from the customer support portal.
If you've already installed a previous version of Aqua Data Studio, it is best to install the newest version in a different directory (the installer will pick a new directory by default).
Aqua Data Studio will automatically detect all of the settings of your previous installation, including the license information. No other steps are necessary. You may uninstall the earlier version at your convenience if you are no longer using it.
Patch installation:
Important! You must have version 21.0 installed to patch with any ads-21.0.XX-patch.zip files. 21.0.XX = Latest build version Change Log
Updating on Windows
Updating on Linux
Updating on macOS
I. macOS GUI
If Aqua Data Studio is located on your Desktop... ==> cp -R ~/Desktop/ads-21.0.XX-patch/ ~/Desktop/"Aqua Data Studio.app"/Contents/Java/ If Aqua Data Studio is located in your Applications folder... ==> cp -R ~/Desktop/ads-21.0.XX-patch/ /Applications/"Aqua Data Studio.app"/Contents/Java/
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