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Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
The most common Price Chart is a Candlestick. To make a Candlestick Price Chart you need data that contains 1 or more date Dimensions and 4 or more Measures (stock open price, stock high price, stock low price and stock close price).
Download and place this stock_data.xlsx file into the folder you used for the Visual Analytics Example registered server from the Building Views page.
Within Aqua Data Studio expand the Schema Browser node for Visual Analytics Example. Expand the stock_data node and its Tables node.
Launch a Query Analyzer on the stockprices node and then execute select * from stockprices in the Query Analyzer to generate a Grid Result.
Click the [Visual Analytics] button in the Grid Results toolbar.
Once Visual Analytics launches, do the following:
1. Drag the stock_date Dimension into the Columns Deck
2. Drag the stock_close Measure into the Rows Deck, right click it and select [Measure Type (Last)].
First and Last are based on the data source sort order. We automatically sort the data source using the innermost date field that is in Rows/Columns. Thus the value of First and Last changes depending on what is the innermost date field in Rows/Columns
3. Choose [Price] from the Chart Properties Chart Type dropdown.
4. Notice the Chart Properties now displays buttons for [Open], [High] and [Low].
5. Drag stock_open Measure from the Measures to the [Open] button in the Chart Properties.
6. Drag stock_high Measure from the Measures to the [High] button in the Chart Properties.
7. Drag stock_low Measure from the Measures to the [Low] button in the Chart Properties.
8. Drag stock_symbol to Filters and uncheck [All] in the resulting stock_symbol Filter Deck, then check only AAPL.
The resulting Candlestick Chart automatically colors each candle body green for a stock closing higher than it opened, and red for a stock closing lower than it opened. The candle's wick indicates the full range of prices it achieved in a time period.
To get a more focused view on the content of Price Charts, it is a good idea to right click on the axis and select [Edit Axis...] then uncheck [Include Zero].
It's possible to use the [Analysis Menu] to display Trend Lines within Price Charts. See Displaying Trend Lines for more information.
Create a High, Low, Close Price Chart
The other kind of Price Chart you can make is a High Low Close (HLC) chart. The High Low Close (HLC) chart requires 1 or more date Dimensions and 3 or more Measures. Use the same Grid Result from your Candlestick Price chart mentioned above and click the Visual Analytics button.
1. Drag the stock_date Dimension to Columns
2. Drag the stock_close Measure to Rows right click it and select [Measure Type (Last)]
3. Choose [Price] from the Chart Properties Chart Type dropdown.
4. Drag the stock_high Measure to the Chart Properties [High] button
5. Drag the stock_low Measure to the Chart Properties [Low] button
6. Drag stock_symbol to Filters and uncheck [All] in the resulting stock_symbol Filter Deck, then check only AAPL.
The resulting High Low Close Chart displays a vertical bar for the range of prices it achieved within a particular time span and a horizontal tick indicating what its close price was at the end of that time span.
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