Easily find issues by searching: #<Issue ID>
Example: #1832
Easily find members by searching in: <username>, <first name> and <last name>.
Example: Search smith, will return results smith and adamsmith
Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
With Aqua Data Studio's support for MongoDB we're making it possible to execute SQL queries against the most popular NoSQL database system. This means that you don't have to be a JSON expert to retrieve and examine data from a MongoDB database system. Want to create a Collection without typing a line of code? No problem, because our UI lets you navigate into a database and right-click to do so. You can view query results in our Grid Results then click a button to make an Excel spreadsheet from your select statements. We've brought all of our easy-to-use database tools to NoSQL, so if you know SQL you'll feel right at home. There's finally a full-fledged MongoDB GUI tool for people accustomed to SQL.
Execute SELECTS, DELETES and INSERTS on collections using the commands you've spent learning with more traditional RDBMS products. View the results in the Grid Results without typing a line of JSON.
Use Aqua Data Studio's tools like the "Server Script Generator" and "Script to New Window As..." right click menus to rapidly create SQL statements to automate tasks.
CREATE, ALTER and DELETE databases, collections and indexes with our Visual Editing tools. Navigate your MongoDB database with the Schema Browser.
Generate flattened results from nested data. Convert results to Excel files with a single click in the Grid Results. Click and drag for rapid aggregate functions on selected data cells without having to write aggregate function statements.
Use the Table Data Editor to edit MongoDB data with an Excel-like grid. Copy, Paste, Clone and Delete quickly and easily without having to manually execute UPSERT or INSERT statements.
Our charting package allows creating visually compelling charts out of your query results. Pie, Bar, Line, Scatter, Surface and Map charts are quickly designed and easily refreshed based on your live data.
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