Easily find issues by searching: #<Issue ID>
Example: #1832
Easily find members by searching in: <username>, <first name> and <last name>.
Example: Search smith, will return results smith and adamsmith
Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
Reconnection Prompt: When reconnecting to a database Aqua Data Studio can prompt the user to indicate a reconnection is taking place.
File -> Options -> General - > General -> Prompt on Reconnect
Reconnect Prompt |
Visual Edit Prompt: When visual edits have been made, users can disable the "cancel" prompt to speed the editing process.
File -> Options -> General -> General:[Prompt to discard changes in Visual Editing dialogs]. The default setting is to prompt users.
Visual Edit Prompt |
Results Tab Alignment: The Results tabs can now be placed at the top or the bottom of the results pane.
File -> Options -> Results -> General – Align results tab header {TOP, BOTTOM} to specify whether the results tabs are aligned at the top or the bottom.
Results Tab Alignment |
DB2 @ Statement Separator: The Schema Script Generator and Server Script Generator now have "@" as an optional statement separator. This may be used for DB2 scripts for optional compatibility to DB2 console.
DB2 @ Separator |
Comment Toggle: The SQL Automation->[Comments Functionality] has changed to behave like standard editors. There is now a "Toggle Line Comment" which comments/uncomments the current line or the selected lines, and "Toggle Statement Comment" which will toggle comments on the current statement.
Comments Toggle |
Execute Script at Server Connection: The Server Registration/Properties dialog now has a "Script" tab, which allows users to enter an SQL Script that is executed each time a new connection is established. This allows user to SET connection settings for a server connection. (eg: SET ROLE, ALTER SESSION SET XXX).
Connection Script |
Database Connection Time Out: Users can set the number of seconds before an attempt to establish a database connection is timed out and fails. The default time span is 20 seconds.
File- > Options -> General -> General;[JDBC Driver connect timeout].
Connection Time Out |
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