Encontre problemas com facilidade buscando: Nº <ID do problema>
Exemplo: nº 1832
Encontre membros facilmente buscando em: <nome do usuário>, <nome> e <sobrenome>.
Exemplo: a busca por smith retornará os resultados smith e adamsmith
Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
Select Objects for Comparison: Schema Compare tool now has Quick filter. You can filter and select the individual objects to compare before the full schema compare begins.
Compare Schemas |
CREATE DDL for Comparisons: From the Schema Tree, you can select any two database objects and compare them. This will generate the CREATE DDL for each and provide the differences between the two.
DDL of Comparison |
Triggers & Indexes: Triggers and Indexes can be selected as individual objects for comparisons.
Triggers & Indexes |
Schema Compare tool now has Quick filter. You can filter and select the individual objects to compare before the full schema compare begins.
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