Easily find issues by searching: #<Issue ID>
Example: #1832
Easily find members by searching in: <username>, <first name> and <last name>.
Example: Search smith, will return results smith and adamsmith
Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
4.0.18: FEATURE: Postgresql 8.0 Function Extraction: Parameter names are now extracted when generating a CREATE or CREATE/REPLACE statement.
FEATURE: Script Generator
- Ability to turn on Identity_insert values [SET IDENTITY_INSERT <table_name> ON] (SQL Server, Sybase)
FEATURE: Import Tool
- Ability to turn on Identity_insert values [SET IDENTITY_INSERT <table_name> ON] (SQL Server, Sybase)
- Added the option "Object Quote Identifier" so the user may specify the option. The default value is the value specified in File->Options->Scripts.
FEATURE: Export Tool
- Ability to turn on Identity_insert values [SET IDENTITY_INSERT <table_name> ON] (SQL Server, Sybase)
- Added the option "Object Quote Identifier" so the user may specify the option. The default value is the value specified in File->Options->Scripts.
- MySQL - Support for ENUM and SET datatype values
- MSSQL - Support for ROWGUIDCOL
FEATURE: Visual Explain Diagram: Added "Save Image As" which allows the user to save the Diagram to JPG or PNG image format.
FEATURE: ER Diagram Generator: Added to the tools menu "ER Diagram" which allows a user to extract tables and views from a database to generate and manipulate an ER Diagram.
FEATURE: Visual Table Editor
- Ability to ALTER columns. Supports the ability to change the name, datatype/length, nullable and default value. (8i doesn't support renaming of columns)
- Ability to ALTER columns. Supports the ability to change the datatype to VARCHAR or the length of a VARCHAR column. (This is the only ALTER column DB2 supports)
SQL Server:
- Ability to ALTER columns. Supports the ability to change the name, datatype/length, nullable and default value.
- Support for ROWGUIDCOL
- Ability to ALTER columns. Supports the ability to change the datatype/length, nullable and default value. (Sybase doesn't support renaming columns. Sybase 11 doesn't support renaming and changing datatypes)
Sybase Anywhere:
- Ability to ALTER columns. Supports the ability to change the name, datatype/length, nullable and default value. (Sybase Anywhere doesn't support the ability to change a NOT NULL to NULL)
- Ability to ALTER columns. Supports the ability to change the datatype/length, nullable and default value. (Informix doesn't support renaming columns)
- Ability to ALTER columns. Supports the ability to change the name, datatype/length, nullable and default value. (PG 7.3/7.4 doesn't support of changing datatypes. PG7.2 doesn't support changing datatypes or NULLs)
- Ability to ALTER columns. Supports the ability to change the name, datatype/length, nullable and default value.
- Support for ENUM and SET enumeration values.
FEATURE: Visual Editing (Oracle): Added support to CREATE/ALTER/DROP Clusters.
FEATURE: Visual Editing (Oracle): Added support to CREATE/ALTER/DROP Array Type.
FEATURE: Visual Editing (Oracle): Added support to CREATE/ALTER/DROP Table Type.
FIX: MySQL Table CREATE Script: Default values where not being quoted with single quotes.
FIX: MySQL Table Creating/Editing and Scripting: Didn't support precision and scale for INT datatypes and decimal/numerics.
4.0.17: FEATURE: Options: Added to File->Options->Results->[Convert binary to hex] which will convert all binary data retuned by query results to Hex values (This does not include BLOB or CLOB data). Default is set to TRUE.
NOTE: MySQL users require the JDBC driver version 3.0.10 and above.
FEATURE: Drag&Drop: Added support for drag-n-drop support for Indexes into the query window
FEATURE: Query Analyzer for Oracle: Execute Explain while auto-commit is disabled and the explain table CREATE/DROP feature is enabled. Now displays a warning telling the user that the current transaction will be committed.
- Also added option File->Options->Visual Explain->[Display Commit Warning] to allow the enabling/disabling of the warning.
FEATURE: Save Results: Added a "Save to Clipboard" button to allow the user to save the result to clipboard instead of to file. Change "Ok" to "Save to File"
FEATURE: Script Generator:
- Ability to go back and redo a script generation after it has completed or been cancelled.
- Added support to script to preview window where a user can copy to clipboard.
FEATURE: Import Tool:
- Ability to go back and redo an import after it has completed or been cancelled.
- Added support to script INSERT statements to preview window where a user can copy to clipboard.
- Options Tab: Date&Time combo box: added "dd/MM/yyyy:hh:mm:ss" and "dd/MM/yy:hh:mm:ss" as options. Date combo box: added "dd/MM/yyyy" and "dd/MM/yy"
- Saves current options, so that the next import the options will default to the last import.
FEATURE: Export Tool:
- Ability to go back and redo an export after it has completed or been cancelled.
- Added support to export to preview window where a user can copy to clipboard.
- Options Tab: Date&Time combo box: added "dd/MM/yyyy:hh:mm:ss" and "dd/MM/yy:hh:mm:ss" as options. Date combo box: added "dd/MM/yyyy" and "dd/MM/yy"
- Saves current options, so that the next export the options will default to the last export.
FIX: Print Dialog: Now the ESC and ENTER keys are bound to the Ok and Cancel buttons.
FIX: MySQL 5.0 (requires 5.0.6+)Constraint Extraction/Scripting: Scripting didn't extract foreign key columns because MySQL didn't provide them until 5.0.6. Fix requires MySQL 5.0.6 or above.
FIX: MySQL 5.0 (requires 5.0.10+): Added Support for Triggers in the schema browser, visual editing and extraction/scripting.
FIX: MySQL Script Table: decimals were not scripted with precision and scale.
FIX: OSX 10.4: Look and Feel name was changed from "Mac OS X" to "Mac OS X Aqua" which caused ADS to incorrectly set the default Look and Feel to the Aqua Data Studio Look and Feel.
FIX: Informix Scripting: Table CREATE(Full) was extracting the last trigger in the database, not the trigger for that table.
4.0.16: FEATURE: Query Analyzer & Procedure Editor: You may now drag and drop files from the Operating System desktop or file manager/ finder into the editors to be loaded.
FEATURE: Query Results in Query Analyzer & Table Data Editor: Results of numbers and date are now formatted in accordance to the current locale (Regional Settings);
FEATURE: Import Tool, Export Tool, Script Generator: Model dialogs are converted to a full frame which allows the minimizing and maximizing of the tool window to allow the continued use of ADS, which the tool runs.
FEATURE: Script Generator: Option tab now has option to "Sort By Dependency", which will order the CREATEs taking into consideration object dependencies.
FEATURE: Script Generator: Option tab now has option to "Include blank line between statements", which will place a blank line between statements in the script generated.
FEATURE: Printing: Added new printing dialogs with extra capabilities and control to Query Anzalyzer, Procedure Editor and Explain Diagram.
FIX: Sybase Script Index CREATE or Table CREATE (Full): Now supports ignore_dup_key, sorted_data, ignore_dup_row in the index CREATE statement.
FIX: Query Analyzer: Execute Edit would not execute if a single table SELECT had a table name followed by a tab that is not extended.
FIX: Script Generator: Setting plaform option to Windows wouldn't convert LF in the body of procedures to CR/LF when writing to file.
FIX: Schema Browser (Sybase, SQL Server, Sybase Anywhere): Table/View columns where not sorted by ColumnID.
4.0.15: FEATURE: Server Registration: Support for setting Transaction Isolation Level in Advanced tab.
TRANSACTION_NONE - A constant indicating that transactions are not supported.
TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED - A constant indicating that dirty reads are prevented; non-repeatable reads and phantom reads can occur.
TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED - A constant indicating that dirty reads, non-repeatable reads and phantom reads can occur.
TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ - A constant indicating that dirty reads and non-repeatable reads are prevented; phantom reads can occur.
TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE - A constant indicating that dirty reads, non-repeatable reads and phantom reads are prevented.
FEATURE: Server Registration (SQL Server): Support for setting quoted_identifier, ansi_nulls, ansi_null_dflt_on, ansi_padding, ansi_warnings in Advanced tab.
FEATURE: Server Registration (Sybase): Support for setting quoted_identifier in Advanced tab.
FEATURE: About Box: Added JDBC Driver tab which displays a list of available JDBC drivers in the JVM and the version numbers.
FEATURE: Procedure Editor Toolbar: Added "Open Script" button to the toolbar to allow a user to load the script for creating or modifying a procedure
FEATURE: Upgraded JGraph 3.2 to JGraph 5.6.1
FIX: Script Generator: Changed the DROP statements to script in reverse order of the CREATE statements
FIX: DB2 Syntax Coloring: Added MERGE and MATCHING to DB2 syntax coloring keywords.
4.0.14: FEATURE: Script Generator: Allows user to Script the CREATE and DROP definitions of all/selected objects in a database, including INSERTs of data
- Accessibility in Tools Menu -> Script Generator and Schema Browser Popup Menu Tools -> Script Generator
FEATURE: Oracle Schema Browser: Added "Java Classes" folder to list all Java classes available in the schema.
FEATURE: Oracle: Added ability to Script CREATE, REPLACE, ALTER and DROP of Array Types, Table Types, Object Types and Clusters
CHANGE: Added ".PKS" and ".PKB" to Script Filter defaults in File->Options->[General:General]->Script Filters
FIX: DB2 Script "Execute Bind": Sometimes would order parameters in the incorrect order.
FIX: Oracle: Result columns with nested tables didn't display correctly.
FIX: Text in Properties Dialog for Function, Procedure, Package, Package Body, Rule, View and Trigger is now copyable able to the clipboard.
FIX: Text in Preview SQL tab in Visual Editing Forms is now not editable.
FIX: Query Editor: Multi-Line comments were not completely syntax colored as quoted strings
FIX: Oracle Editor: Added "ELSIF" keyword to syntax coloring.
4.0.13: FEATURE: Sybase: Added support for jConnect 6.0. All that is required is to download and include the jConnect driver in the ADS classpath.
FEATURE: (All Databases) Table Scripting: Added "CREATE (Full)" which will script a Table CREATE for the table, constraints, indexes and triggers
FEATURE: (DB2, SQL Server, Sybase Anywhere, PostgreSQL, Informix) Proc Editor: Added "Execute Procedure" which allows user to execute the procedure currently being worked on.
FIX: DB2 Script Table CREATE: Constraint definitions sometime included info from other schemas.
FIX: Oracle Table Editor: Now shows GENERATED and USER DEFINED constraints.
FIX: Oracle Table Editor: Extracting Primary Key and Updating table data from a SELECT statement where the table name doesn't use the same case values in the name is now fixed.
FIX: Oracle Schema Constraint Browser: Now shows GENERATED and USER DEFINED constraints.
FIX: Oracle Server Registration (OCI Connections): Added detailed information when JDBC driver doesn't match Oracle Client Libraries.
FIX: Register Server: Passwords with a space as the last characters had space removed when saved.
4.0.12: FEATURE: Memory Optimizations: Optimized the reclaiming of memory across query executions by the JVM
FEATURE: Query Window for DB2 8.x: Warning messages now also contain the full descriptive messages.
FEATURE: Register Server on Windows: (SQL Server - ODBC, Informix - ODBC, Generic - ODBC) contains browse button to browse the available ODBC data sources.
FEATURE: Oracle Table Scripting: Added support for Table and Column comments
FEATURE: Oracle Table Scripting: Added "CREATE (Full)" which will script a Table CREATE for the table, comments, constraints, indexes and triggers
FIX: Query Results: SQL Server: If a query execution returned an error and warnings the warnings were not displayed.
FIX: Generic ODBC: Connecting to Navision database server would not allow to open a query window.
FIX: Oracle Script Table CREATE: User defined check constraints with names starting with "SYS_C" were not scripted.
FIX: Oracle Schema Constraint Browser: User defined check constraints with names starting with "SYS_C" were not listed.
4.0.11: FEATURE: Proc/Func Editors for SQL Server, Sybase Anywhere, DB2, PostgreSQL and Informix
- Schema Browser: Popup menu on Folder nodes: Procedures, Functions contains "Create XXX in Editor" to open new editor.
- Schema Browser: Popup menu on nodes: Procedure, Function contains "Edit XXX in Editor" to open editor for editing.
- Editor allows user to create and modify procedures, functions within a tabbed editor similar to the Query Analzyer
- Editor displays any compilation errors in a grid list. Double clicking on an error will highlight the appropriate line in the editor.
(PostgreSQL required latest JDBC driver for correct line numbers: http://www.aquafold.com/download/jdbc-drivers/Postgresql/ )
FEATURE: Query Window for DB2 8.x: Error messages now contain the full descriptive messages.
FEATURE: Query Text/History Results: Status bar now contains "[Truncated by Max Results]" if any of the resultsets are truncated by the maximum results
FIX: DB2 Explain Plan: Missing icon for TQUEUE operation. TREE_EXPLAIN_SPOOL
FIX: Informix Table Check Constraint Scripting: Check constraints with check text greater then 33 characters would produce multiple copies
FIX: Informix Query Results: TEXT database was retreived as hex values.
FIX: Syntax Coloring: Any string aligned with a quoted string not separated by a space was colored as a quoted text even if it wasn't in the quotes (eg firstname+'lastname')
4.0.10: FEATURE: Oracle Proc Editor: Added "Execute Procedure" which allows user to execute the procedure currently being worked on.
FEATURE: Query Text/History Results: Status bar now contains resultset and row count
FIX: Query Grid Results: Sorting on a string text column where all the data is the same didn't perform very well
4.0.9: FEATURE: Oracle Editor for Procedures, Functions, Packages and Package Bodies
- Oracle Schema Browser: Popup menu on Folder nodes: Procedures, Functions, Packages, Package Bodies contains "Create XXX in Editor" to open new editor.
- Oracle Schema Browser: Popup menu on nodes: Procedure, Function, Package, Package Body contains "Edit XXX in Editor" to open editor for editing.
- Editor allows user to create and modify procedures, functions, packages and package bodies within a tabbed editor similar to the Query Analzyer
- Editor displays any compilation errors in a grid list. Double clicking on an error will highlight the appropriate line in the editor.
4.0.8: FEATURE: MySQL 5.0 Support
- Schema Browser: Added Constraints, Views, Procedures and Functions
- Scripting DDL: Added Scripting CREATE/DROP for Constraints, Views, Procedures and Functions
- Visual Editing Schema: Added support to CREATE/DROP Views, Procedures and Functions
- Visual Editing Security: Added User Database Privileges: Create View, Show View, Create Routine, Alter Routine, Create User, Execute
FIX: Table Data Editor for Oracle: Doing an Execute Edit on a fully qualified table <schema>.<table> where schema case-sensitivity doesn't match, ADS will not allow to edit the table.
FIX: Sybase Extract Table: Extracting tables with columns having comments would return multiple columns of the same column having the comments.
FIX: Sybase Schema Browser & Constraint & Index columns Exctraction: Browsing and Extracting on a different users objects (other then dbo) would not show up.
FIX: MSSQL Server Schema Browser & Constraint Exctraction: Browsing and Extracting on a different users objects (other then dbo) would not show up.
FIX: MSSQL Table Exctraction: Extracting on a different users tables (other than dbo) would not show up.
FIX: Query Results: If "Query Stats" are disabled and "Always display record count" is enabled, line feed formatting isn't always correct.
4.0.7: FEATURE: Query Analyzer: Added "Reconnect" button to the toolbar. Ability to reconnect if the connection has been lost.
FEATURE: Text Results: Added to SQL Statement and Error message the script line number location in the script
FEATURE: Text Results: Syntax Coloring for error messages and SQL statements
FEATURE: Options: Added to File->Options->Results 1)Enable Syntax Coloring 2)Color for SQL Statements 3)Color for Error message
FEATURE: Query Analyzer: Database combo box is now filtered according to Registration Filter.
FEATURE: Results: Added new "Script Details" results, which may be enabled with the last button on the applicatin toolbar.
Provides a list all statements executed in a script with an icon representing whether the execution was successfull, failed or with warnings.
Also includes the SQL statement, message and beginning and ending line numbers. A double click on an item will highlight the statement in the editor.
The results column contain the number of resultsets and number of rows returned in the format X (Y) where X=#resultsets and Y=#rows
4.0.6: FEATURE: Visual Explain Tree - Added to popup menu "Save Column Positions" to allow the customization of the position of the explain node columns
FEATURE: Option: Added to File->Options->Results:[Message Results] - Ability to enable the clearing of the message results prior to execution
FEATURE: Query Analyzer (Sybase): Errors Results now have Msg: X, Level: Y, State: Z ... Server: ServerName, Procedure: schema.procedure, Line: A
FIX: Schema Browser for DB2: Columns where not sorted by physicall order.
FIX: Schema Browser for Sybase Any 9.0: Constraints node didn't list constraints.
FIX: Oracle 9i/10g Server Registration: Advanced tab, driver parameters didn't work.
FIX: Schema Browser (SQL Server) - Sorted Jobs and Operators node
4.0.5: FEATURE: Grid Results: Popup menu now has "View As Text" to view multi-line CLOB/Text values
FEATURE: Tools Menu: added "Explain Whiteboard" to allow activation of WhiteBoard without adding Explain plan.
FEATURE: Explain Tree Results (Grid Results/Whiteboard): Added color coding support, including ability to enable/disable coloring in popup menu.
FEATURE: Scripting Table Foreign Constraints (DB2, MSSQL Server): Now supports ON DELETE and ON UPDATE clauses.
FEATURE: Visual Editing for Oracle: Now supports multi-case object names by using Quoted Identifiers.
FIX: Explain Diagram: Property-Value table columns are not resized each time the user selects a different node in the diagram.
FIX: Schema Browser (Sybase): Store Procedures are now displayed as <schema>.<name> instead of just <name>
FIX: Schema Browser (Sybase, SQL Server, Informix): Triggers are now sorted
FIX: MySQL Schema Browser & Scripting: Added support for objects with names containing "-" in them.
4.0.4: FEATURE: Grid Results: Enabled the drag-n-dropping of selected cells.
FEATURE: Table Data Editor: Added a "Edit in Window" command so users may edit CLOBs and large text fields with multi-line data.
FEATURE: Visual Explain WhiteBoard: Right-Click Popup menu on Visual Explain results now have an extra item "Add to Whiteboard"
- The whiteboard allows users to compare explain plans. The plans may be moved/removed with the popup menu on the caption of each explain plan
FEATURE: Visual Explain Color Coding for Critical Path, Critical Node and Critical Operations. The Explain Diagram now has support for color coding ...
- Critical Path: This colors the critical path which is determined by the costliest sub-node of each node.
- Critical Node: This colors the top 3 costliest nodes in the entire path.
- Critical Operation: This colors the costliest operations. Level_1 = Cartesian Joins; Level_2 = Full Table Scans; Level_3 = Sorts
FEATURE: Visual Explain Options:
1. Moved Visual Explain Options from Results tab to new "Visual Explain" tab
2. Added options for default value of Color Critical Path, Critical Node and Critical Operation for Oracle, DB2 and SQL Server
3. Added options to specify background/foreground colors for nodes in Critical Path, Node and Operations
FIX: Oracle Schema Browser: Procedures & Function nodes under Package and Package Bodies didn't refresh with the "Refresh" command.
FIX: Oracle EXECUTE BIND: Executing a Procedure with a REFCURSOR parameter that was of both IN and OUT value would through exception.
FIX: Oracle EXECUTE BIND: Executing a Procedure with a IN/OUT REFCURSOR would not print resultset correctly.
FIX: Enabled "Display SQL" didn't display the SQL in the Messages Results. Also, now SQL displayed only has a top line separator of "---------------"
FIX: File Mnemonics: Added _M_ to "Mount Directory" and _U_ to "Unmount Directory".
FIX: Grid Results: Columns with no names would not have correctly calculated widths. For columns with no names, the name "column[colposition]" is now displayed.
4.0.3: FEATURE: Save Results: HTML Formatted Results: Hyperlinks are now wrapped with <a href> to create hyperlinks in the HTML document.
FEATURE: Options: Added File->Options->Results:[Script Execution:Stop On Error] which determines whether the execution of a script stops if an error occurs on a query execute.
FEATURE: Visual Explain: Tree table (grid) results now have tooltips for each explain node.
FEATURE: Visual Explain: Diagram nodes now have more detailed information.
FIX: SQL Server: Scripting Functions,Procedures&Triggers: In certain cases Scripting would not work if the name of the proc or function was too long.
FIX: Save Results to Excel Format: Data in cell is now stored as correct datatype for numbers, dates, times and boolean values.
FIX: Save Results to Delimited Data: {tab} and {space} separators were not saved correctly.
4.0.2: FEATURE: Aqua Data Studio Look and Feel: Made toolbars to have rollover buttons, which also makes the toolbar a little smaller.
FEATURE: Options:Text Results: Added in File->Options-Results:Text Results the ability to enable and disable the display of the SQL statements executed in the text results (Default is FALSE).
FEATURE: Save Results: Enhanced Save Results to have the following new features:
1. After clicking the save button of the Save Results dialog, the dialog is closed and the user is not notified that the data is saved.
2. The options of the last save results are stored and used for the next save results.
3. The path of the last saved results is automatically set in the file path when activating a save results dialog.
4. Ability to save results to an Excel Worksheet
5. Ability to save results to INSERT statements
6. Ability to include the SQL Statements in the results
7. Saving the results to HTML and Excel will use the File->Options->Results:Grid Results for alternating background colors
8. Added the ability to include the row count in the results
9. Added the ability to save the results of an explain plan
10. Enhanced the look and formatting of the HTML document saved
4.0.1: FIX: Informix Registration Dialog: Driver Properties didn't work.
4.0.0: Package Release:
Updated all JDBC drivers to latest versions from vendors.
Updated JRE to version 1.4.2_07
Updated added License directory to include files with licenses for JDBC drivers from vendors and libraries used by ADS.
About AquaClusters Privacy Policy Support Version - 19.0.2-4 AquaFold, Inc Copyright © 2007-2017