Easily find issues by searching: #<Issue ID>
Example: #1832
Easily find members by searching in: <username>, <first name> and <last name>.
Example: Search smith, will return results smith and adamsmith
Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
11.0.7 (since 11.0.6) - June 18th 2012
#6652 : Bug : Fix for block comments in the Parameterized Scripts
NONE : Bug : (Regression 11.0.5) Table Data Editor : Cloned rows also cloned identity column values, and they should not.
NONE : Improvement : ER Modeler : Allow the editing of a column name which was reverse engineered and was a UDT or computed column
NONE : Improvement : JVM Crash Dialog : Added option to not display future crash logs
11.0.6 (since 11.0.5) - June 8th 2012
NONE : Performance : Table Data Editor : increased speed and minimized memory usage on large clone rows operations. [Noticable on slower machines]
NONE : Performance : Grid Results : increase cell renderer rendering. [Noticable on slower machines]
11.0.5 (since 11.0.4) - June 6th 2012
NONE : Bug : ER Modeler did not allow the generation of an HTML report with multiple relationships of the same name.
NONE : Bug : Schema Script Generator did not have objects sorted by client side Collation
NONE : Performance : Tree Browser : Added render optimization for file type icons. Speed should be more noticable on slow machines
NONE : Performance : Table Data Editor : Performance optimizations on Cloning large number of rows
NONE : Performance : Oracle : Optimized the Table/Column extraction query for 9i and above. Performs better with Oracle Cost Based Optimizer
NONE : Feature : Schema Browser : Added top level Constraints folder to allow the browsing of all constraints in a database/schema
11.0.4 (since 11.0.3) - May 30th 2012
NONE : Bug : SQL Server 2008 : Compatibility level for 2008-r2 and removed filestream from database dialog for 2008 and below
NONE : Bug : Alter Procedure in DB2 LUW would set database and schema to blanks and prevent a user from altering, since OK would fail
NONE : Improvement : Teradata : Removed column "requesttext" from extraction queries for performance
NONE : Improvement : Teradata : Extraction query for TABLE, only extract "SHOW TABLE" info if its a table for performance
#7002 : Improvement : Open API : Added new methods to AQRequest object : getHeader(), getHeaders(), getHeaderNames() & getCookies()
11.0.3 (since 11.0.2) - May 16th 2012
#6945 : Bug : Paste to Window doesn't replace selected text.
NONE : Bug : MySQL : Storage Manager : auto_increment column in system tables is of bigint(21) but only Integer was used.
NONE : Bug : QueryBuilder : Sorting on a column which had a Group By would add a ASC/DESC on the Group By clause
NONE : Improvement : Teradata : Query Analyzer : Added label for "sid" to indicate session id.
11.0.2 (since 11.0.1) - May 10th 2012
NONE : Improvement : Ported the new SQL Server 2012 Login GUI to SQL Server 2005 & 2008.
NONE : Change : Sybase IQ : Discontinued use of the function sp_jconnect_trimit()
11.0.1 (since 11.0.0) - May 3rd 2012
#6908 : Improvement : Add new OpenAPI -> File AQProjectFile.getLocalFile()
#6909 : Improvement : Add support for allow gran/deny in the SQL Server 2005/2008 visual editor for Login of SQL Server Users
11.0.0 ( New Features ) - May 1, 2012
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