Easily find issues by searching: #<Issue ID>
Example: #1832
Easily find members by searching in: <username>, <first name> and <last name>.
Example: Search smith, will return results smith and adamsmith
Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
12.0.14 (since 12.0.13) - December 19th 2012
#8079 : Bug : ERModeler : Constraint initial property values -> changed to match GUI
#8101 : Bug : Sybase debugger : "Debugger Query Window" fails on any query execution
#8104 : Bug : FluidShell:sqlexport command did not perform variable substituion
12.0.13 (since 12.0.12) - December 12th 2012
NONE : SQL Server : Schema Browser now displays all databases with status, regardless of status. (Discontinue use of sp_MShasdbaccess)
NONE : PostgreSQL : DDL Generation for Serial data type now generates Serial instead of default with sequence.
12.0.12 (since 12.0.11) - December 6th 2012
#8034 : Bug : Reset Null and Default when loading parameter file in Debugger Parameter Panel
12.0.11 (since 12.0.10) - December 5th 2012
NONE : Bug : Regression (12.0.9) : Oracle : Extracting columns with NUMERIC containing no precision value on 10g and below would fail.
12.0.10 (since 12.0.9) - December 1st 2012
#7963 : Bug : SQL Server : Dropped Connection when Stopping Query
12.0.9 (since 12.0.8) - November 19th 2012
NONE : Bug : Auto-completion doesn't work if a query window is open with a dialog selection on certain databases.
12.0.8 (since 12.0.7) - November 15th 2012
NONE : Improvement : Oracle : Schema tree Materialized View nows has subfolders for columns
#7905 : Bug : Echoing (or not) commands from the Init Script in Batch mode
#7936 : Bug : AquaScript indexing is being triggered in conditions that it should not be
12.0.7 (since 12.0.6) - November 14th 2012
NONE : Bug : Oracle : Definition of datatype number with null or no precision but a valid scale fix
#7928 : Bug : FluidShell : NPE on hitting autocomplete with command ! !
#7945 : Bug : FluidShell Autocompletion not working if cmd param is present and no char of the word to be completed is entered
#7934 : Regression : Initial focus problem with username/password when password not saved in Server registrations
12.0.6 (since 12.0.5) - November 8th 2012
#7852 : Improvement : Table Data Editor : Support Shift-Cmd-DownArrow for select to end on OSX within the Table Data Editor
#7874 : Improvement : FluidShell : Performance problem on redirecting command output to file
#7875 : Improvement : FluidShell : Performance problem on command pipeline
#7876 : Improvement : FluidShell : Performance problem on command reading standard input using non-buffered I/O
#7897 : Bug : FluidShell : Showing asterisks when Term prompts for password and text is pasted from clipboard
#7905 : Bug : FluidShell : Echoing (or not) commands from the Init Script in Batch mode
#7906 : Bug : FluidShell : java.lang.ClassCastException for autocomplete
#7918 : Bug : Visual Editing : Create Table dialog, in column datatype use mouse down arrow to go to next row and see focus lost
#7920 : Bug : FluidShell : \more displaying --More--(100%) on files pagination
#7921 : Bug : FluidShell : NPE on Secure Copy (scp) command
#7923 : Improvement : FluidShell : InterruptedIOException on Ctrl+C
12.0.5 (since 12.0.4) - November 3rd 2012
#7871 : Bug : Pie Chart value labels overlapping with small values
#7879 : Bug : Problem with MySQL Datetime value when viewing in spreadsheet
#7881 : Bug : \sqlexport with multiple (invalid and valid) tables
#7882 : Improvement : Change \sqlexport -f csv default extension to .csv : Updated \sqlexport man page.
#7900 : Bug : Interactive options should accept lowercase and uppercase
#7901 : Bug : Column Names does not correspond to cell data in csv2html
#7902 : Improvement : FluidShell "ssh" command needs a "-i" option for custom identity files
#7903 : Bug : FluidShell ssh command -s option doesn't seem to work
#7904 : Improvement : Executing inline SQL on a Closed/Killed connection
#7905 : Bug : Echoing (or not) commands from the Init Script in Batch mode
#7909 : Bug : \csv2html -s on binary file
12.0.4 (since 12.0.3) - November 1st 2012
#7767 : Enhancement : If user has not created any bookmarks, display a message in bookmark area
#7768 : Enhancement : TabCompareResults -- support line wrap option
#7853 : Bug : "Query Analyzer As" gives focus to password field only and user cannot type Login Name [regression]
#7859 : Bug : Initialization Script for FluidShell in Command mode [regression]
#7878 : Bug : Subversion bug checking in a new folder and file
12.0.3 (since 12.0.2) - October 28th 2012
#7776 : Improvement : man <command_name> -- should support pagination
#7812 : Improvement : \csv2excel -t 2003 on converting more than 65536 rows/page
#7820 : Improvement : Behavior in FluidShell after killing a connection
#7831 : Improvement : Reading rows from excel will skip blank leading cells
#7840 : Bug : Properly applies custom background color on editors
#7848 : Improvement : session command - "server" column output
#7851 : Improvement : Add support to drag&drop the "Local Database Servers" node to shortcut toolbar
#7854 : Bug : Incorrect highlighted text background in the query window if you sort the SQL column in the messages tab
#7855 : Bug : \sqlexport on erroneous SQL code from sqlbuffer: Exception or Error
#7856 : Bug : NPE on making a FluidShell terminal floating and executing fluidshell command
#7859 : Bug : Initialization Script for FluidShell in Command mode
#7862 : Bug : Bit column always returns false even when actual data is 1
#7866 : Bug : Change the schema context and Execute Edit gives Failed to set current schema
#7867 : Bug : Reconnect button in Query Window is broken for PostgreSQL
#7868 : Improvement : Message results : The size of the "Selected Cell Content" pane is not persisting.
#7872 : Improvement : Add toolbar and configure button to message results
12.0.2 (since 12.0.1) - October 24th 2012
NONE : Bug : Text Results editor had a caret color of white. Change it to the same as SQL Editor which defaults to black
#7788 : Bug : Fluidshell shortcut with no password stored prompts for password twice; fix for Ubuntu 12.04 64-bit focus issue restore back to debug regression
#7817 : Bug : To high a fetch size is causing memory issues in the Oracle jdbc drivers. default fetch size reduced to 100
#7853 : Bug : "Query Analyzer As" gives focus to password field only and user cannot type Login Name
#7761 : Improvement : FluidShell : SqlBuffer editor -- have option to turn on/off line wrap
#7776 : Improvement : FluidShell : man <command> -- should support pagination
#7793 : Improvement : FluidShell initial connection should always be based on tree selection
#7824 : Improvement : FluidShell : If I drag & drop a database/schema from Studio's "Servers" explorer into shell, then shell should print out fully qualified name
#7847 : Improvement : FluidShell : Add option File->Options->FluidShell->Script Options->[Execute Script for all Servers]
#7849 : Improvement : FluidShell : Rename Table sql command does not work in cli fluid or cli shell mode
#7851 : Improvement : FluidShell : Add support to drag&drop the "Local Database Servers" node to shortcut toolbar
12.0.1 (since 12.0.0) - October 23nd 2012
#7837 : Bug : ER modeler, right mouse click - delete column on entity doesn't work on header, but does on column data
#7839 : Bug : Import Tool adding blank line for each row into the dialog message window
#7780 : Improvement : When a command is being executed in FS, lets display a spinning circle, similar to when an AquaScript is being executed
#7825 : Improvement : FluidShell - list schemas -- should put a "*" next to my current schema
#7826 : Improvement : Indicate current schema in FluidShell status bar
#7833 : Improvement : Add options to customize Messages tab to have Grid or Text and customizable columns
#7841 : Improvement : Query window -> describe -> informix -> schema of object not used for extraction.
12.0.0 (since 12.0.0-rc-23) - October 22nd 2012
Final Translations - 20 languages
NONE : Bug : Import Tool : Creating new table would not set it in the import tool after creation
NONE : Bug : SQL Server 2008+ extraction of indexes with INCLUDE column information.
NONE : Bug : Postgres/Paraccel/Netezza table creation GUI was not properly using setting schema to null for temp tables only
NONE : Bug : Query Window : Describe - Informix should not use schema in extraction
NONE : Bug : FluidShell -> sqlimport & sqlexport -> man pages default date/time/datetime patterns needed to be corrected.
NONE : Bug : Postgres UUID should be treated as a string
NONE : Improvement : Add a "Disconnect" button to Query Window
NONE : Improvement : Added support to PostgreSQL for auto completion with Include Public Schema in Completion
#344 : Improvement : PostgreSQL: Add the ability to change the schema context.
#6291 : Improvement : Add support for percentages in the Pivot Grid, so a user can see the percentages just like in the AQReport
#7574 : Bug : Add pipe support for \exec command
#7608 : Bug : Open in Current Window a file into a Text Editor does not change to correct EOL
#7719 : Improvement : Add FluidShell command excel2csv
#7734 : Bug : Netezza auto completion extraction of tables and views needed to be able to tell one from the other
#7736 : Bug : Toggle Statement Comment with Ctrl-Alt-/ does not toggle in Text, Java, XML Editors
#7740 : Bug : Support line feed in shell PROMPT
#7743 : Bug : Comment // require space before to work
#7744 : Bug : Database property - there is a flicker in the way the dialogs appear different from 11.0
#7745 : Bug : Insert values for bit fields via Table Data Editor for MySQL DB fails
#7746 : Improvement : Add Preview Pane in "Preview SQL" tab of Table Data Editor
#7747 : Improvement : No syntax highlighting for SQL statements in the messages tab for View as Text
#7749 : Bug : Default profile of FluidShell
#7750 : Bug : Incorrect SQL selected in the query window for corresponding SQL in the messages tab
#7752 : Bug : RTF copy to clipboard is no longer working in editor
#7755 : Bug : Fixed default option for CompareOptions.Colors
#7759 : Improvement : Alias the help command so when I type "help", the "help -d" command is executed
#7769 : Bug : NPE for Multi-file opening for Query Analyzer Window (Ctrl+Shift-W)
#7771 : Bug : \sqldump -o file produces a double descriptive header
#7773 : Bug : \sqldump -TF (--table-script-full) option
#7774 : Bug : Cut is not working in the latest build
#7775 : Bug : Up/Down arrows don't scroll down to show the current prompt
#7777 : Bug : Parse Results now has 2 selected cell content preview
#7778 : Bug : sqldump -- doesn't handle bit fields correctly (mysql)
#7779 : Bug : sqldump -D, --ddl-drop BOOLEAN should be off by default
#7783 : Bug : Password prompted twice in Query Analyzer Window
#7784 : Bug : ~ support in autocomplete
#7786 : Bug : excel2csv -- support for a specific sheet w/ in an excel workbook
#7787 : Bug : Field Settings, Hide, Move etc missing in popup menu
#7788 : Bug : Fluidshell shortcut with no password stored prompts for password twice
#7790 : Bug : Problem with losing focus on the Servers tab and Query Window
#7791 : Bug : Failed to encode String: Pipe closed
#7792 : Bug : NPE on csv2excel and source and cannot quit command
#7795 : Bug : Unexpected error onToggle Statement Comment
#7798 : Bug : Flicker issue with dialogs when [Use floating windows for Visual Editing dialogs] = TRUE
#7799 : Bug : public schema was displaying tables twice in autocompletion when all schemas enabled.
#7801 : Bug : Java Editor locks application with large files after navigating the full file
#7807 : Improvement : Add option to excel2csv, -cs - Save cell content as shown
#7808 : Bug : Apply the CsvReader.java API to the commands csv2html, csv2json, csv2xml in Transformer.java
#7809 : Improvement : Add Csv options to commands csv2html, csv2json, csv2xml, csv2excel, excel2csv
#7810 : Bug : Default date/time/datetime pattern set to use AquaCsvOptions' default date/time/datetime pattern
#7811 : Bug : NPE on Restore Database in Storage Manager
#7813 : Bug : Postgres 8.1+ create user no longer allows setting SYSID
#7815 : Bug : Sybase ASE -> alter user -> code fixes
#7816 : Bug : Add Ctrl-C capabilities to csv2excel and excel2csv
#7818 : Improvement : sqlimport command needs to display warnings as the import is occuring
#7819 : Bug : Change the schema context using search_path and clone window with content
#7820 : Bug : Behavior in FluidShell after killing a connection
#7821 : Bug : Sybase ASE execution of cursored procedure call needs to execute the statement differently.
#7822 : Improvement : Speed up batch/thresold imports in the Import Tool and sqlimport command by 20%
#7828 : Bug : excel2csv seems to cause problems with japanese characters to console
#7830 : Bug : I don't think we need the -ED option in excel2csv as it doesn't change the behavior
#7831 : Bug : Reading rows from excel will skip blank leading cells
#7832 : Bug : excel2csv -NT option currectly has a default of false, but docs say default of true
#7834 : Bug : We will need to make the CsvReader date/time parser smarter
12.0.0-rc-23 (since 12.0.0-rc-22) - October 8th 2012
#1647 : Bug : Matching brackets should ignore quoted strings in editor
#7526 : Improvement : Evaluate how to handle shell command lines that parser fails to recognize for autocompletion.
#7529 : Bug : Informix fluidshell shortcut for Server Name gives Database not found
#7589 : Bug : Block selection and Upper and Lower case
#7678 : Bug : Test cases where auto-completion failed
#7689 : Bug : Editor -> all -> Line Wrapping -> copy and paste not working correctly.
#7690 : Improvement : editor -> Text Editor -> working with line wrapping EXTREMELY slow
#7692 : Bug : NPE when using \more command on a file in batch mode
#7694 : Bug : Unexpected error if you Save As ... a AquaScript in a different location and Debug in Browser
#7695 : Bug : Autocompletion on files with special characters ? ; ! :
#7699 : Bug : NPE on opening a version controlled sql file and changing to a Connection Pooled Server
#7698 : Improvement : FluidShell & SSH shell -> high lighting -> file/folder names extra high lighting
#7700 : Bug : HTML editor doesn't provide the find bar indicator like Text and XML
#7702 : Improvement : Editor should allow for row highlighting even when mouse cursor is in "Diff" column
#7703 : Improvement : When I have inline diff disabled, there should be 1/2 a column width whitespace between ...
#7705 : Improvement : \more to support 'more prompt' if executed via \source command interactively
#7706 : Bug : Editor doesnt display entire characters with Enabling and Disabling Line Wrap and using scrollbar
#7707 : Bug : Export Data tab writes debug messages to standard output
#7708 : Bug : Inline Diff indicator menu goes out of the text area
#7710 : Bug : \more "next file" message with long filenames remains on screen and/or gets duplicated
#7711 : Improvement : Added DB2 system tables to keywords, and Apache Derby keywords
#7712 : Bug : DB2 LUW 7.2 : Statement.setFetchSize() errors need to be caught and ignored as not all drivers support this.
#7715 : Bug : Change Server Connection to a Connection Pooled Server doesnt disable Reconnect/Change Server
#7716 : Bug : Sybase Anywhere Views - Edit in Table Data Editor gives Truncation Error
#7720 : Improvement : Clarify "Email Excel Attachment" error message "Mail system is not enabled."
#7721 : Bug : Commit query using Ctrl+Shift+C is creating a query analyzer clone and not committing
#7722 : Bug : Grid Results - Ctrl-click a row header for a row which is selected should unselect
#7723 : Bug : Prompt's line after resize doesn't get entirely cleaned
#7724 : Bug : Floating window and change server does not change name of tab to new connection
#7726 : Improvement : Add option File->Options->Email->[Email Defaults : { From, Cc, Bcc]
#7727 : Bug : Full menu is missing from Query Window when you do a Script to new Window from Pivot Grid Tab
#7728 : Improvement : Investigate adding an option to have Visual Editing using Floating Tab Windows to mimick dialogs
#7731 : Bug : Drag Database node and create a FluidShell shortcut. Clicking on it gives Unexpected error
NONE : Added .xjs as extension for mime type JavaScript
NONE : Final Translations for 21 localizations
12.0.0 ( New Features since 11.0.x )
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