Easily find issues by searching: #<Issue ID>
Example: #1832
Easily find members by searching in: <username>, <first name> and <last name>.
Example: Search smith, will return results smith and adamsmith
Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
15.0.2 (since 15.0.0) - September 15 2014
NONE : Bug : Visual Analytics : On Refresh, sorting gets cleared from selected records and gets applied by some other records
NONE : Bug : Visual Analytics : Line chart is rendering if we take single String dimension and single measure field
NONE : Bug : Visual Analytics : Column Header in Rename for Duplicate columns doesn't display original name
NONE : Bug : Visual Analytics : Throws java.lang.NullPointerException if change sort order of Grand Total column and unchecked "(All)" values in filter card
NONE : Enhancement : Visual Analytics : Handle renamed columns/fields on reading in metadata from extract file
NONE : Enhancement : Visual Analytics : Use HoverFormattedTextField for parameter control text field
NONE : Bug : Visual Analytics : Visualization tooltip is not displayed properly for specific international languages
NONE : Bug : Visual Analytics : For single values ---merged axes--trend line details window does not display values.
NONE : Enhancement : Visual Analytics : When changing data type to String, update field mode to Discrete for Dimension labels only
NONE : Enhancement : Visual Analytics : Enhance "Automatic" algorithm for chart type
NONE : Bug : Visual Analytics : Wrong tooltip appears for invalid continuous Dimension field
NONE : Bug : Visual Analytics : If table calculation is applied on measure field and trend line is on then in trend detail window applied table calculation is displayed as title for respective measure field
15.0.0 ( New Features since 14.0.x )
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